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Cart Narcs is exposing carbrains (lazy bones)
  • Indirectly, yes. He's ridiculous, but by engaging with him everyone in the video (the people not returning the carts) looks ridiculous.

    I don't watch enough to see if there's people who do return them, but I imagine they look a lot more normal than the alternative.

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    Cart Narcs is exposing carbrains (lazy bones)
  • The thing is that it's absolutely illusory that we as humans evolve beyond that

    Sounds like that makes it important for us to focus on it, culturally.

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    Tech workers react to UPS drivers landing a $170,000 a year package with a mixture of anger and admiration
  • I think all workers deserve a union that gets them all they can get. The problem is that unions are the workers. Organising labour has been a struggle for decades. I just hope hearing about things like this invites others to take note and organise their workplace too.

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    Apple TV vs Firestick for pirated movies and series?
  • I have a Firestick with VLC on it that can browse my PC where I've got all my downloads. Not the most straightforward, but sometimes I want to watch on my PC and this keeps everything central.

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    Putin Outlaws Anonymity: Identity Verification For Online Services, VPN Bypass Advice a Crime * TorrentFreak
  • While I agree with your distaste, I hope you remain wary. Their incompetence seems to have the outcome of enriching them and their sponsors. Can you still attribute incompetence when they are benefitting?

    Regarding dictatorship, the conservatives right now are setting up a lot of things like anti-protest laws that seem toothless because they haven't been used to the fullest extent, but the groundwork is there. It won't take long (likely one election cycle) and I'm sure we'll see them use it in the fullest extent.

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    Barber just fucked up my beard
  • When I go in for a trim, I either show them a picture, or I tell them I want to keep is as long as possible while remaining neat and even.

    Though I also make sure to stick to the same 2 barbershops

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    Twitter Sues Hate-Speech Research Group Over Claims That Hateful, Racist Content Has Proliferated Under Musk’s Ownership
  • Yeah, he has the right, sure. Nobody says he doesn't, nobody says he shouldn't. But right now it's in the media. It's stupid. Now there's more attention drawn to this, and if they lose (though Elon's musk will likely try to bleed them dry rather than try to straight up win) it's now not just a claim, it's a claim backed up by law. He has very little to gain with this stunt.

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    There's 3000 cars on fire in the North Sea
  • Nobody here wants everything with rubber wheels banned. We just want cars to be a form of personal transport to be the lowest prioritized compared to other forms like buses, trains, etc.
