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What are the pros and cons of working a food truck?
  • I started to turn my hobby into a business 17 years ago. 5 years later it became my main occupation. I don't spend a lot of time on admin, maybe 15% top, because over the years, I made it a strategic game to streamline my processes, and I pay an accountant to help me with the taxes and other similar things.

    It's awesome to be paid to do what I love to do. How much time is too much when you do what you love? Just remember to balance your life after your business is stabilized, so that you have other hobbies on your time off. Also, make space for the important people in your life.

    Expect to work all the time in the first few years though, so plan accordingly, for example, if you wanna have a social life, weave your business into it. If you wanna take some time off to play a game, bring your partners into the game.

    Don't worry, after your business is stable, you will get actual time off.

    I suspect the "don't turn your hobby into a business" idea was originally dreamt up by some business owner who didn't want their employees to leave for a better life, and then we accepted it because it seems to make sense. It sure delayed me for years, before I decided to make the big jump.

    That being said, I hear restaurants have low profit margins especially in large urban areas, so if you go for it, make sure to keep your costs extra low.

    Spend time becoming extremely good at something you enjoy (and that your community needs) and you will find some people with disposable income will pay you to do it, because they want something good And they can afford it.

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    What is something you would like to see in a game?
  • If anyone misses old school Quake 1 (first person shooter) in co-op mode, you can play it for free on this server, in your browser

    Once you get used to the controls, the game turns out to be very well balanced.

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    What do you love about Lemmy, compared to Reddit?
  • I was using my phone to access Reddit through an app called RIF. It stopped working.

    I can access Lemmy on my phone through an app called Boost. When I revisit a thread, it displays the new comments in a different color. Very very very convenient for active threads.

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    What's a cool publishing medium for text-based posts nowadays?
  • Regarding the concerns you listed, it's the option that gives you the most control over content and access to it.

    All the others are a trade off in exchange for them promoting you.

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    What's a cool publishing medium for text-based posts nowadays?
  • Modern equivalent to blogs would probably be vlogs (videos on tiktok or other platforms like that)

    Blogs are still a thing, check out

    Another option is publishing on a place like

    None of the above are optimal regarding your concerns about data collection, etc.

    To address that, you could just set up your own personal website, if you don't mind learning how to do it

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    What is the best way to collect and store links to sites I read once or twice a month?
  • I bookmark them in a folder named "Monthly". Once a month, I right-click on that bookmark folder and open them all.

    I also have similar folders called "Daily" and "Weekly".

    I set a recurring reminder in my calendar to remember to open the weekly and monthly ones, so I don't have to keep track of whether I did or not.

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    Ads with full volume?
  • If these annoying ads keep coming back, you could always pay a few dollars for the ads-free version of boost.

    I did it and the experience is a lot better.

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    Could an animal be taught how to throw accurately?
  • I've read that humans are the only animals on the planet that can throw objects with a degree of accuracy.

    Were you reading some Mormon booklet? Anyway, you were misled, but cheer up, you can probably find better reading material, starting with the several answers you got here.

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    Weekend 'what are you watching / reading / playing / listening to?' thread #3
  • 西游记 (Journey to the West) the HSK 3 and HSK 4 version by Jeff Pepper and Xiao Hui Wang

    It's a very entertaining way to practice that vocabulary while discovering this classic of Chinese literature.

  • I study guitar as a hobby, beginner-intermediate level. I have weekly jam sessions with a friend who is much more advanced.

    I usually play notes from minor pentatonic in the key of what he plays. I sometimes use notes from other scales, although this is much more difficult.

    I mostly pluck the notes with the pick, occasionally using bends, slides, hammers,etc., but not so much yet, as I am still learning those.

    Occasionally I sound good but a lot of what I do is based on luck, trying to stay in rhythm and when I stumble upon a pattern I like, I repeat it a few times.

    Over the course of an hour I become repetitive, and after a few weeks, I feel I am running in circles.

    Where could I go from there? Any recommendations on learning material that would help me develop that aspect of guitar playing (which is the reason I got into guitar in the first place).

    We usually play blues style, but if there is material from other genres that can help me learn, I am curious to hear it.


    Flickboard or 8Vim, which "Fast Typing" Keyboard should I try to learn?
  • I used a non standard keyboard a long time ago and while it did deliver, the most important thing I learned is that non standard things tend to disappear and the time spent learning it was wasted.

  • I have tried a few but they all seem to be putting the priority on features I don't need, like recording the sounds while I sleep. I would just like a log of when I fall asleep and when I wake up.

    EDIT: Here is my plan B, until I find an app: when I go to bed, I send a text message to myself. When I wake up, I do the same. It gets automatically time-stamped. Example:

    "Ok Google, send a text saying Good Night to NemoWuming"

    "Ok Google, send a text saying Good Morning to NemoWuming"


    I have a desktop computer with displayport. I heard it was possible to connect 2 or even 3 monitors to it.

    I heard not all displayport monitors can be chained like that. Which specifications do I need to look for?



    I study guitar as a hobby. When I practice, I often play a little ahead of the metronome click. I can see it when I record myself with GarageBand.

    I have been trying to adjust, but can't seem to progress.

    Is there a metronome app that would give me a strong visual clue when I am not exactly on the beat?

    • Edit for clarification: I am looking for an app that will call me out in real-time, either visually or audibly, whenever I play offbeat.

    Why am I bothering with this?

    I have heard musicians talking about making the metronome sound disappear by playing at the exact right time. I also noticed some people frowning when I play a split second before the click. Is it worth improving that aspect? Is there a better way to do it?


    Does anyone know when the new season starts?


    When I receive a Lemmy email notification on my phone, and I click on the link inside, it goes to the webpage in my browser, instead of opening in the CONNECT app. How do I reassign that? I'm using Google Pixel 7 with Android 13


    I see pre-ordering a Pixel 8 Pro would get me a free Pixel Watch. A quick look makes me see they can be used with FitBit (which I don't use nor need).

    For those of you who use those watches, what are the other features you enjoy the most? What has improved your daily routine? What would you miss if you lost the watch? Etc.

    Thanks for any insights!


    What is the meaning of the white dot that appears occasionally in the notification bar and on the lock screen?


    Upvoting a post in the list of posts, and then opening the post: the upvote is not showing, and I have to upvote again.

    How to replicate

    • Browse the list of pots
    • Upvote a post
    • Notice the post is upvoted
    • Open the post to read the comments
    • Notice the post is no longer upvoted
    • Upvote the post again

    Does anyone here use it? What are your impressions? What are the advantages for you? Anyone tried it and then turned it off? What did you dislike about it?

    Edit: This is found under Settings/Notifications (at the bottom of that list)


    Posting this hoping the Connect dev can see it.

    In the list of posts, we can see the comments icon, followed by the number of comments, and then something like (+5) if there are 5 new comments since our last visit.

    Is it possible to change the color of these new comments in the comments list? It would be much easier to find them that way.


    On my old Galaxy S7, the text would periodically move to different spots on the screen. Is there a way to do that on the Pixel 7?

    Edit: Thank you everyone for your feedback, I'm going to use the AOD as is.
