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Pregnant women in Missouri can't get divorced. Critics say it fuels domestic violence
  • Well yeah, of course the problem here would be child support and not divorce is functionally impossible in Missouri.

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    A YouTuber let the Cybertruck close on his finger to test the new sensor update. It didn't go well.
  • That was very nearly my exact same thought. Maybe not for curious children with carrot-sized fingers, but for adults, how convenient! Business competitor's body won't quite fit in your fancy frunk? Just while away on your phone for about 10 minutes, let the cat do its magic, and off go the legs! Travel-sized!

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    Family that walk on all fours have 'undone the last 3 million years of evolution'
  • That's what got me, too. The fucking gall. They didn't devolve somehow into proto-humans, they have brain damage and he himself knows they have brain damage.

    For all the specific type of damage is explained in the article, I was going to guess that it could be a simple balancing issue and a basic google search proved that correct: the siblings who walk like this all have a congenital defect that causes mental retardation and difficulty balancing, in addition to other things like muscle weakness and impacted speech and coordination, the latter two of which are normally present but they don't happen to suffer from. Hence why they won't stand upright, but they will do embroidery.

    Motherfucker just referred to a handful of mentally disabled people as the missing link between human and ape. Out loud.
    I only hope he sees academic humiliation for this.

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    I'm tired, as an older Gen Z. I'm over it.
  • I mean, I know I'm raining on an already pretty despairing post, here, in times that very well do lend themselves to despair, but that sentiment has been around as long as I've been alive and I'd bet good money decades longer. It's probably one of those sentiments that's as old as people.

    But no one (or at least, comparatively very few) was rewarded for hating Elvis. He hasn't been a thing in a long time. Same with any other risque entertainer that was also satan, they fall by the wayside after everyone gets bored. People are rewarded very well when they bend over for billionaires. As long as sociopathy is rewarded, there will always be rampant sociopathy.

    I'm not saying it's so ingrained that there's no point in fighting it -- forcibly changing the culture is of the utmost importance, especially now. But that sentiment, the battle plan can't just be "wait around and it will work itself out." It's not like billionaires either of the actual or the temporarily embarrassed sort don't have kids. I'm starting to see that's the fatal flaw the more liberal-minded seem to have. It's like we believe so hard that everyone is inherently good and that things will work out in the end that we never bother to make a move. It's the death of us.

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    I can think of a hundred bigger crimes
  • Uh....then you have kids? If you want them? I do not think I understand the question.

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    I can think of a hundred bigger crimes
  • Ah yes, the only two functions, reproduction and opening jars /s

    Recently, scientists successfully induced the stem cell of a male mouse to transform into an egg instead of sperm.

    The resultant litter was in all respects normal and, while we are talking about baby steps (ha) with mice instead of humans, I'm sure that would be a when, not an if.

    The biggest immediate concern would probably be depression and osteoporosis. Pretty sure the depression wouldn't be very new, sadly, for anyone still paying attention to anything around them at all, but it doesn't need to be added to the pile for a demographic that already doesn't tend to reach out.

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    A Cool Guide: Fan Etiquette and Flirtation
  • Fanning slowly -- "I am married."

    Fanning quickly -- "I am engaged."

    Using as a fan -- "Introduce me to your company."


    I have to wonder who came up with this. One would imagine it was just some idea someone had and they published a whole etiquette book about it, and it slowly but forcefully caught on from there, because otherwise I can't imagine this just being a thing that evolves spontaneously in a way everyone equally understands. Imagine sitting all the way across the room at a ball or something and witnessing someone break up with their boytoy through body language. With perfect clarity for all to see. You might as well just say it out loud.

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    Vatican calls gender fluidity and surrogacy threats to human dignity
  • From the US: I'm over 30 and this is the first time I've heard surrogacy referred to as human trafficking. And now I need to sit and think.

    It's always felt a little bit creepy to me, but I've also never wanted kids and the idea of pregnancy for any reason would be traumatic. So I'm starting out heavily biased. I think if you take the money out, it no longer counts....?

    But the idea would be so out of left field that it would mostly be dismissed out of hand, probably even by most women.

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    Skin care
  • Yeah? And how many removed the lid that way?

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    400,000 species
  • Middle-age would be in your 40s-50s. Not to diss my dead relatives too hard, but you're thinking of old fucks that would have any solid opinion on that. In a handful of years, the music middle aged men will be up in arms about is *NSYNC.

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    Skin care
  • So apparently if you smack it all around the sides of the lid with a spoon or something, you can loosen the vacuum seal.

    It sounds fake but it worked the other night on a jar of salsa I was legitimately considering just breaking, and I'm still kinda mad that I never knew that til now.

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    TIL: You can easily check eggs for being bad or fresh
  • Remember, if the thick cloud emitted by the egg only drifts upwards, it's probably no good.

    No, this graphic really is solid advice for people to know, but damn if it could have been designed with a little more forethought. Imagine, for instance, if the reader is yellow/blue colorblind. They could make a guess at what's happening, but they may not quite be sure. Arrows are doing 99% of the lifting, here.

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    Is the Fight Against Climate Change Losing Momentum? Some financial institutions are backing away from emission pledges.
  • I would be very concerned if one did not at least break even, but we can always bulldoze the bulldozing company at the end.

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    Reddit has struck a $60m deal with Google that lets the search giant train AI models on its posts
  • God, the taste their AI is about to garner for coconuts.

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    Plastic-Free Vegan Leather that Dyes Itself Grown from Bacteria
  • Christ, do you understand how big this could be if anyone would let it? (they won't)

    Even a ton of "more environmentally friendly" textiles are as bad if not somehow worse than their already destructive counterparts. I ran the numbers once in an argument and a recyclable shopping bag requires a little over 70 uses just to break even with the comparable pollution it took to make it, but most people who even use them throw them out after less than 20.

    God, I wish it said anything about how resilient it is as clothing in comparison to regular leather. I've known about the making of lab-grown ghost hearts and stuff through a similar method for a while now, but this never even occurred to me. I know next to nothing about bacteria, clearly.

    Sadly, there's still too much money in doing anything else, I'd bet. So many companies put too much effort into PR, greenwashing and general slavery to want to move over, and this would affect more industries than one.

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    Is it me or does reddit feel, weird?
  • I agree with all your other statements, but offer you this one counterpoint: you're getting the interesting ones.

    Some program out there calculated once that *I* have a low to moderate chance of being female, but very little of anything else I look up could be considered advertiser friendly. Their only option remaining was to make all my targeted ads dumbass sweatshop clothes and feminine hygiene products forever.

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    A biased test kept thousands of Black people from getting a kidney transplant. It's finally changing
  • Things like, say, an increased need for vitamin D supplements in colder climates, because you need sunlight to manufacture vitamin D to make serotonin and the increased melanin blocks what little sun is available way up north? Sure. That one is a difference off the top of my head that people really just don't think about.

    Kidney function is provably not one of them and never was, so you're gonna have to fuck off with that. I usually make a conscious, concerted effort to be a better person than I was on reddit, but you already admitted in another comment that you don't know shit about medicine and you seem bothered in the opposite direction regardless.

    So with the possibility of this topic being your emotional support knowledge base out of the picture, the only horse you logically seem to have in this is that seeing ethnic minorities demand that we stop allowing them to die by reason of nothing annoys you to have to listen to.

    If that's not the case, I might be a bit quieter and rephrase everything you said forever, because it does not look like you want it to look. If it IS the case, get the fuck off my platform.

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    Two tales of domestication
  • Really, it's babies' fault for not staying ahead of the game. With all the germs they roll in and all the poop they produce, they should have something to show for it by now.

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    Just doesn't seem fair
  • On the one hand, I feel really proud that I got under your skin so much that mine is the only contribution you've ever replied to in the 7 months that whole account has even existed. Someone just clearly isn't having a good day if that's the one thing that set off a professional lurker.

    But also, like....I thought about this all through my quesadilla and it's just really sad? Is this like Incel Logic: Hobby Edition, where you're either born perfect and flawless or you're a permanent shit failure and therefore whichever way the coin falls, you never have to work at anything? Like Big Education is a trillion dollar industry now, and really society is divided up Airbender style and you just didn't get the CalArts gene?

    There's only one kind of person I can see falling for this weak-ass angle, and it's the kind of person who's never taken up any recreation for more than 1-2 days in their whole life because they don't start out amazing at it and you can't fail at anything if you never do shit. And honestly, I'm kinda bummed out that you have to live like that. You know you can just look up tutorials for anything these days.

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    Bae'zel (lindseytoons)
  • That would pretty clearly be the "I picked up a pencil 15 years ago and never put it down." And it hurts me inside, that anyone would see that and jump to "obviously filtered to hell." It is exactly this interaction:

  • This time for sure

    3 Reminder: Larian Studios Forbids The Selling of Fan Content

    Larian Studios's policy and guidelines restrict the selling of fan content or goods for any of its games, including Baldur's Gate 3.

    > > > Larian Studios's policy and guidelines restrict the selling of fan content or goods for any of its games, including Baldur's Gate 3… > > > > …The five basic rules for making fan content of Baldur’s Gate 3 and other Larian Studios games are: > > > > 1. Keep it free. > 2. Keep it clear it’s fan content. > 3. Keep it honest. > 4. Keep it clean > 5. Keep it legit. > > > > The fourth rule of “Keep it clean” simply means that Larian Studios reserves the right to stop your use of its IP if it deems your content “inappropriate, offensive, damaging, or disparaging.” It isn’t forbidding you from making R-18 content. > > > > “Keep it honest” and “Keep it clear it’s fan content” are very similar. The main rule in question is the first one, in which you cannot sell “fan content to any third parties for any type of compensation.” > > > > If you really want to make Baldur’s Gate 3 fan content, you can do so. You simply cannot do it for profit. This would include putting something behind a paywall, or selling items at a convention. For reference, Larian Studios defines “fan content” as “fanart, videos, stories, screenshots, cosplays, mods, or anything else.” Uploading or giving things away for free are both totally alright. > >

    I'm guessing this may be more a WotC thing than a Larian thing. Still annoyed to hear it, since things like cosplay can be expensive and I imagine they're things you put your heart into the same as art.

    I've seen some damn incredible stuff at conventions before, and I'd hate to be deprived of them rather than force the artist to give their work away for free. This also makes commissioned work feel weirdly shaky, depending on what they're calling a third party?

    Wonder if this will turn into a panini situation . Free amigurumi Karlach with every purchase of a $40 pencil.


    For any here who are both multilingual and also experience synesthesia/ideasthesia -- concepts such as numbers, days of the week, educational subjects, music, etc. being felt or experienced to have a specific color, taste, smell or whatnot -- is the color, etc. of that thing different depending on which language you're thinking in?

    It has just occurred to me that while I've always pictured Thursday to be a kind of prussian blue, the turkish word for thursday (Perşembe) is bright carnation pink. Sunday is yellow (for obvious reasons), but Pazar is white. Same with anything else. Phys Ed has always been blue, but beden eğitimi is coffee-colored.

    The differences with numbers, I could chalk up to relating them with whatever pictures I was given when I was first learning their names, but one cannot present an educational depiction of the concept of Tuesday.

    I'd be dying to hear anyone else's experience with this. I'm super curious, especially, to hear if this difference still stands in people who grew up bilingual.
