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Why is Facebook filled with so much random junk now?
  • Everyone who will leave has left. So at this point they're just slamming all ads down.

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    Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads
  • I pulled the plug on allowing chrome user agents on my domain.

    Granted its tiny but I'm making people switch.

    This is the juncture.

    P.s. yes I know the cavaets all my services work fine tyvm.

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    Biden says he's "not confident at all" there will be a peaceful transfer of power if Trump loses
  • You know, during the Baltimore riot, the rioters who were destroying shit, killed a few people, etc all were content to riot. Up until the APC's and the military showed up, it stopped within minutes. Source: I saw it happen.

    Once you see what a Humvee and APC tank squadron looks like looks like, your shitty AR15 isn't going to make you feel strong. What are you going to do, randomly shoot into a crowd of other Trump idiots? Rush the whitehouse with guns? Who will be in there this time?

    What if they got inside and it was just the army standing inside? What then? Are they randomly going to shoot at the army? Whats the game plan, because that would be a first.

    You have to think that this time we know, and with preparation it won't be an issue. Just be smart about it, because we already know about the last coup attempt.

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    Why are people downvoting the MediaBiasFactChecker bot?
  • How about we just ban bots that don't say they're bots and call it a day?

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    Biden says he's "not confident at all" there will be a peaceful transfer of power if Trump loses
  • I love all the closet right wingers thinking some fat ass country loving civilians with guns is going to overtake a country by itself.

    The only reason anything happened last time is that agent orange was facilitating the insurrection from the inside. Now its just a bunch of idiots who maybe have guns.

    So... America?

    Whatever, just get the military ready in case they try.

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    Microsoft Ruined Windows
  • Arch ftw

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    Walz, Throwing Punches at Republicans, Makes His Big Entrance With Harris
  • You wrote the language then, ahhh.

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    Google & Cloudflare Summoned to Explain Their Plans to Defeat Pirate IPTV.
  • Want a spoiler? I bet they're going to circlejerk about more browser privacy invasion.

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    Biden-Harris Administration Announces the Michigan Maritime Manufacturing (M3) Initiative.
  • Are you going to reenact the civil war in your backyard or something?

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    My Windows Computer Just Doesn't Feel Like Mine Anymore
  • Using windows will do that.

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    Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • Windows users are like abuse victims at this point.

    No news is good news.

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    Biden campaign picks right-side podium for CNN debate, Trump will have the last word - ABC News
  • Good luck shutting up Donald even with mute. He just spews verbal diarrhea uncued.

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    Here's what's happening to ad blockers in Google Chrome (and other browsers)
  • Adblock is more than just a DNS sink. I have both of those, but still use ublock origin.

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    Kremlin bots spam internet with fake celebrity quotes against Ukraine
  • Honestly I'll get down voted but sure.

    Nobody knew who she was before.

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    Kremlin bots spam internet with fake celebrity quotes against Ukraine
  • Still is the reason people heard her voice.

    And yet I got down voted by zealots who detected some kind of side I'm taking. Which is none.
