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New CSS that can actually be used in 2024 (no hype)
  • I've been waiting so long for :has(), and had no idea it was finally implemented. This is huge for userstyles. Now I should be able to hide retweets and inline ads from Twitter with just a couple lines of css.

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    Does Higgs exist in nature or is it merely artificially synthesized particle?
  • Holy crap, how did I not know about Chris? I binge watch all the big physicist YouTubers.

    Thank you for mentioning him. My grey matter just got turned to mush by his 5-dimensional universe theory. I can't wait to see how this affects MOND.

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    What games have you played due to FOMO?
  • Mass Effect Andromeda. The reviews convinced me I'd hate it, but I couldn't stand the thought of possibly missing some lore after I loved the first 3 so much. Turns out it was actually pretty good.

    No Man's Sky. It looked slow and grindy but people kept hyping it up. I caved, and forced myself to play 20 hours trying to find the good bits. I never found them.

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    New study: 12% of individuals are responsible for 50% of US beef consumption
  • I think it's because people also have preferences for other types of meat. E.g. I always prefer chicken, but it's uncommon here so usually I go with the cheapest option: pork. I'm appalled at how high I've let my meat consumption slip, but this paper would still classify me as not excessive beef consumption.
