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An Important Hypothetical - What Android Apps Do You Install??
  • Yeah I only found out recently because I had thought that it'd been an oddly long amount of time since the last update. Went to check for updates and the button was gone, so I flew over to the github page and saw the announcement lol

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    An Important Hypothetical - What Android Apps Do You Install??
  • Which was discontinued, use Mihon instead, it's an active Tachiyomi fork

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    Someone call the UN, Japan is committing war crimes again
  • I've had the bagel one, it was the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten

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    What's a bit of good advice that's really bad advice?
  • Can relate, when I start infodumping or talking in depth about stuff I enjoy I can see their eyes glaze over and they want to leave.

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    Do you have some kind of subconscious awareness of interests you already have or know you eventually will take deep dives into at some point in life?
  • A custom head + rotary valve train, the EJ25 uses standard valves with a standard cam design, this is fine, but rotary valves have their own advantages and disadvantages that I think would be fun to tinker with. Unlike a regular valve, rotary valves don't have springs, therefore they don't experience the "valve float" that standard valves experience at higher RPM's, allowing you to rev to very fast engine speeds. They also give better fuel economy since they are much lower resistance, standard valves have to overcome the force of each spring in order to open, rotary valves are just a hole. Rotary valves are also non-interference, and if I blew the timing belt, it wouldn't destroy the engine

    I'd also just like to be able to make shit out of metal, it's a brainworm of mine I've had forever

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    Do you have some kind of subconscious awareness of interests you already have or know you eventually will take deep dives into at some point in life?
  • I've been wanting to learn how to work with metal for a while now, my current long time goal is to get good enough to make a rotary valve train for my Subaru motor. I've been absorbing a lot of information about how engines work and how these parts interact I'm just missing all the practical knowledge for it.

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    Highly contagious Norwalk gastrointestinal virus on the rise in the US.
  • I'm staying away from most solids at the moment cause I can't keep them down. But yeah I do know about that diet cause someone in my family had to be on it for a while and will probably do the same once I can

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    Highly contagious Norwalk gastrointestinal virus on the rise in the US.
  • My SO just got back earlier with some gatorade cause they had no pedialyte left. It's the first drink I could drink without vomiting and it was so fucking nice

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    Highly contagious Norwalk gastrointestinal virus on the rise in the US.
  • I think I actually just got this, got home from work yestecday and my stomach was feelin a litte upset yeah? I kept thinking it was just gas buildup but no! I started blasting liquid ass and projectile vomiting at random. I tried drinking a glass of tapwater this morning, and it all just came back up.

    Not fun at all

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    Treedome 0.4 Released
  • nice, was thinking about this for a while but I hated writing the MD to whatever GUI framework i used, and a lot of the other stuff is either really outdated looking, or just unmaintained

  • NSFW
    What is your weirdest comfort food or habit?
  • That's a lot more cookie than I intended but I would probably try to do it

  • NSFW
    What is your weirdest comfort food or habit?
  • Chowing down on the cheapest and shittiest cookies i can find. Don't know how I got the habit but I've definitely eaten 2 dozen packs in a sitting before when I was really stressed

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    Judge blocks Omaha's ban on guns in public places while lawsuit challenging it moves forward
  • Purgatory is a perfect description of living in Nebraska

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Throw them out the window

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    AMD GPUs are cursed for me
  • Same but with a Vega APU, also love it when it merges the console screen with whatever was on there bufore suspend and it's just a text graphics rainbow mess

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    AMD GPUs are cursed for me
  • Kinda weird, is the first gen Vega Apu different enough to not have these problems? Cause I've been pushing that thing hard enough it's starting to have actual hardware faults, very rarely had software related crashes that couldn't be resolved with a temporary kernal rollback

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    Laptop companies: which one?
  • They're all aight, but avoid asus like the plague, they don't last very long and have tons of incompatibilities with linux. I've only had mine for 3 years and it already needs a new mobo as the pci lanes for wifi and bluetooth suddenly died

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    Brutal arctic blast blanketing much of the US is set to deliver record-breaking low temperatures as the South braces for snow
  • Been absolutely fucking freezing in small town nebraska over here, got to around -35 the other day, we have snow drifts up to 10 feet high on some backroads too. crazy stuff

  • I work in a town that has a lot of trucker traffic with very little locals, they treat those toilets like they are just straight holes in the ground, never flush, never clean the seats if they miss, sweat stains stuck on after just an hour without cleaning.

    But as I cleaned the remnants of somebody's breakfast dinner lunch off of the rim and floor. I had the thought that this can't be the absolute worst right?


    For some odd reason I burnout very frequently, or more like I get so brain dead that I literally cannot even come up with an Idea of what to do, let alone act on it. It feels like when I even try to start I get so exhausted that I have to lay down.

    It always happens after I'm the most productive, but my down time feels so much longer than the time I get to create. I'd say I have at least 4 days to a week of productivity, and about 2 - 3 weeks of burnout. It's nuts.

    The cycle repeats, though it can vary wildly in how long each part is.

    I'm starting to get hella annoyed since I haven't drawn a thing in over a year and I was finally getting back into the groove at least doodling daily, just to be derailed hard.

    I was thinking that I just lack creativity, but it became this catch-22 of "I have to actually draw with purpose and make things that I enjoy" and "I am so fucking tired that even opening a sketchbook or cleaning makes me want to take a nap / drop into a dead sleep".

    What are your thoughts?
