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Meta Threads engagement has dropped 50% in a week
  • It’s not hard to understand what was happening.

    • I follow Person A and Person A follows me on Instagram
    • Person A signs up for Threads before me
    • I sign up for Threads after
    • Because we already follow each other on Instagram, Threads automatically made Person A follow me

    The issue with the EU is you can’t mingle and mix user data from two separate services.

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    I'm glad that this discussion is finally over
  • I’ve been keeping (opened) bottles of ketchup in the cupboard all my life. It’s full of vinegar. It’s never gone bad, tasted off or made me get sick. I prefer room temperature ketchup over cold ketchup.

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    If everyone moved to open source non-profit solutions, the tech industry would lose billions
  • The cost is hardly in the software. It’s for the support and setup. Even if governments switch to Linux, they’d need some sort of support contract in place with a vendor.
