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  • But hey, we're #1 in school shootings and military spending!

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    Unacademy Teacher Fired for telling students to 'Vote for Educated Leaders' Remark during lecture.
  • You seem to be hung up on the whole "education is a leftist ideology" mentality. It might be true, but the facts tend to have a left bias.

    A good education doesn't mean going to a very exclusive or expensive university. A well-educated person can come out of the local university or college. It really depends on the person. Being from Texas and having traveled to and lived in other states, I've met plenty of well-educated people on the right, left, and center. The problem is, people who disparage education either have something to gain from uneducated folks or those who've been convinced by those who have something to gain (and from what I can tell tend to be lacking in education themselves). It's a long-known fact that educated people are harder to manipulate. Don't get me wrong, very smart people can do dumb things too, but being manipulated is much harder.

    As far as book burning, the last one of note in the US was in 2022 and reported here. Also, if child protection was a thing on the right, they'd really keep them out of church, although the Bible has been banned for being inappropriate reading material for children.

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  • Germany has months of parental leave for both parents, and a month's vacation written into law. So yeah, there's that...

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Still don't have a decent healthcare system either. So yeah, that tracks.

  • Jump has grown by about 66.6% since reddit's API shutdown
  • That's great news! Lemmy is a great, if but a little buggy, replacement for Reddit. I'm sure the bugs will be ironed out in due time. I'm enjoying the federated community. The more the merrier!

  • I got a legit email from Meta tonight for a free Q2 Elite Strap. I'm guessing it's to get rid of stock because they can't use them with the Q3. Thoughts?

    Will anyone be trying Starfield?
  • Yep! I'll be adding Starfield to my rotation. It may or may not become my main game for a while. It all depends on how good and interesting it will be. So far, I like what I see!
