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Trump Demands ABC Be Shut Down for Daring to Fact Check Debate
  • It's a sobering detail of our situation. In 2020, Trump really did receive more votes than any candidate in any previous election. That means a ton of people showed up to vote for him in 2020 that hadn't in 2016.

    He frames it weird (and it sounded weird when he said it) because otherwise it raises the obvious point that Biden also achieved that same record, plus an extra 7 million votes.

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    What should I do about my brother?
  • You should probably know that strangling someone is a strong indicator of a future murder attempt. Far more than other forms of battery.

    You definitely need to consider your own safety, and those around you

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    Harris and Trump are getting ready for Tuesday’s debate in sharply different ways
  • They each have their own protection detail. Each will quickly move to protect the one they are responsible for, which will mean separating them (probably by a lot of distance).

    Someone under SS protection can choose to waive it. There are some former presidents who deemed it unnecessary later in life.

    No idea about the rest of your hypothetical

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    Advertisers plan to withdraw from Twitter in record numbers | CNN Business
  • Often there are contracts. Sometimes for a very long time, often multi-year. There are sometimes escape clauses (like a morality clause for a spokesperson), but these aren't easy to invoke.

    I suspect many of them are up for annual review/renewal, when they can be terminated without penalty. It might also just be an attempt to get better terms.

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    Can i safely turn the power on on this open outlet? if not, how do i solve this? (solved)
  • FWIW, here is the US, the ground wire is often completely exposed. As in, no colored jacket, just the bare copper throughout the entire run. Attached to ground at the breaker box, and attached to any grounding ports or metal boxes throughout the building.

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    Is there a term similar to "shrinkflation" when food is made cheaper instead of smaller?
  • Shrinkflation is smaller quantities and/or higher prices. This is actually tracked in a variety of places.

    Changing to a cheaper recipe/supplier is very hard to put metrics on, and isn't tracked anywhere that I know of

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    Companies Are Simply Ignoring Many New State ‘Right To Repair’ Laws
  • Companies do not fuck around when an AG comes around. Enough complaints, or complaints that are ignored, is a quick way to get sued by the AG. The AG's office has extensive resources to easily win in court, even getting your entire company's - including parent and children companies - banned across the entire state.

    It's also pretty easy to get the AG involved. You have to provide a decent amount of supporting documentation, but most states have an online form you can file.

    As an example, 20 years ago, a company tried to deny me a mail-in rebate. This was while my state AG was actively suing them for not paying rebates. I spent 30 minutes filling out the form with the required evidence. Receipts, etc. A month later I had my $15 rebate check, no additional questions asked.

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    Uber drivers in Kenya are ignoring the app and charging their own rates
  • Uber's insurance is pretty bad. Many get the additional coverage from their regular insurer anyway because of this. That coverage also (usually) applies to this situation as well.

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    Profitable Ev charging...
  • There's a fundamental flaw in your premise. If we envision a world where everything is EVs, very little of it will be DCFC. Instead, level 2 chargers will be everywhere. Think of what you see in parking garages, except much more of it. Your car spends almost all of its life parked. You also (probably) rarely drive more in a day than the battery can hold.

    Level 2 chargers are simple and low maintenance. They also end up being cheaper for everyone involved. These are already very profitable ventures, but they don't exist much at dedicated charging locations. Instead, they are and will be at places that people park for extended periods.

    DCFC will mostly be along freeways for longer trips, and a limited number within a city for things like delivery drivers.

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    You have to walk 10 miles, through the bad part(s) of a dangerous Am city at 9:00 PM on a Sat night. Who of the following (in the body of this post) would you rather have as de facto bodyguards?
  • Ain't no one approaching the T-800 to steal your wallet or anything. Curiosity, sure. But you don't look at that and think "easy target"

    Now, if I've done something specific to be a target, I'm not sure it would be an effective bodyguard.

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    How could I make my town a little less lame
  • How close are these surrounding towns? What's the population, particularly for the demographics you would appeal to?

    Often, it's not worthwhile to bring your favorite culture to your home. Just go to the culture where it already exists. Often, these quiet, boring places are populated by people that WANT to live in a place that's quiet and boring. It doesn't make much sense for anyone to move there if they don't.

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    I legitimately want to run Linux as my desktop OS, please tell me how to meet my requirements.
  • I've never used it, but Crossover Office was developed largely to get MS Office working on Linux. It looks like it's still maintained.

    It's at least worth looking into.

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    So much winning
  • Strictly speaking, few if any of them retain their own rights to the music. Most are owned by the label. Look on any CD, official video, etc. You'll see Copyright Sony Music, or Universal, etc.

    It also means they probably can't take legal action against Trump's use of it.

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    Republicans suggest in 'private' that they would be better off if Trump loses: GOP insider
  • It’s like those people who bought plane tickets to January 6th, thinking they would go there and violently overthrow the transfer of power and kill any congresspeople that stood in the way of it, and then they could go home and show up to work with Trump now in power and everything would go back to normal.

    Do you remember when armed militants invaded the Malheur wildlife refuge in Oregon, setting up what was sure to be a long, violent standoff with police and military?

    2 weeks in, they arrested one of them. He'd taken a stolen ranger truck to get supplies at Safeway.
