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Daily Discussion Thread - Sun Sep 15 2024
  • What an amazing win by the Lions last night. Heart rate was through the roof, well done boys. 44pts down in the 3rd quarter to come back hard and win by 5.

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    Queensland slashes public transport fares to 50c in six-month trial
  • It's a great step and worth celebrating. Hopefully it will encourage people to try PT and leave the car at home. Given the cost of living crisis I do hope it makes a difference.

    That said, I do think charging $1 instead of 50c would be better, and put on additional routes and services. I think that is one of the main barriers to people choosing PT in Brisbane, or more accurately, Brisbane's suburbs. So I think success of this is going to be limited because some areas are just not well serviced and often take twice as long to reach their destination.

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    Daily Discussion Thread - Fri Apr 05 2024
  • Spoken like a true middle manager :) I was one myself until a few years ago, I hated managing staff.

    The 5 day work week is a social construct anyway. Life for all would be better if we all had a little more leisure and time to relax, not to mention other benefits like reducing traffic and emissions. When people are well rested there is less mental health problems, road rage, and generally make clearer decisions. Burnout is a huge problem across the workforce, at all levels.

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    Daily Discussion Thread - Fri Apr 05 2024
  • I can only comment to what I've read. It's been trialled in many companies and countries worldwide. The general trials pay employees the same wage, as they almost unanimously find that productivity increases. People fit the same amount of work into four days (maybe working longer hours those days) because they are more refreshed each week. Even better, the productivity increases seem to be maintained over time.

    As the old saying goes, work always expands to fill the time available.

    It might not work for every business but it's worth looking at.

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    Daily Discussion Thread - Fri Apr 05 2024
  • Two short weeks in a row feels about right as far as work/life balance is concerned. Dreaming that the four day work week becomes the norm before I retire in about 20yrs

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    Daily Discussion Thread: Sat 27 Jan 2024
  • Thongs in the bidon cage, can't get more Aussie than that!

    I remember getting a flat, and having no shoes. Wasn't going to walk back in cleats so decided to go barefoot. Bad blisters after less than a km. I can't imagine what walking 4kms in thongs would do. Hope they're not too bad today.

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    Brisbane's deputy mayor rails against 'radical' Greens proposal to reduce car dependency
  • Haha bikes are 'radical' now... Honestly Brisbane traffic has become a sh*tshow over the years. A quiter, safer, walkable/rideable Brisbane is the only way forward.

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    Sanders, Democrats launch investigation into asthma inhaler pricing
  • Australian here, asthmatic wife. Inhaler is $12 Aussie dollars. People with concessions get it for less again I believe.

    Americans should be outraged, hundreds of dollars is obscene.
