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MAGA Lawyer Lin Wood Is Cooperating With Georgia in Case Against Trump
  • I believe that many (if not all) of the other named witnesses for the State are also people who appeared in the recently released grand jury record, and who are unindicted co-conspirators.

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    What's up with notifications?
  • I can see the post when I go directly to it (with either the or account), but it does not appear in my threads area under my account (the one that posted it).

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    What's up with notifications?
  • I'd gotten a 50x error page when trying to submit this post, too - but it went through anyway? This post doesn't show up in my threads page, though.

    I read back your earlier comments before I tried posting - I know you have other pressing matters on your plate. As you can see, I just created this user at, so that I can get those notifications ... maybe?
