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Lo sporco affare del North Stream che continua a umiliare l’Europa l Kukturjam
  • Niente, sto perdendo tempo. Stai prendendo in giro e basta ( terrapiattista )

    E poi che cavolo c'entrano i complottisti quando parlo dei subreddit come politics o worldnews. Ma sei in grado di leggere in inglese?

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    Lo sporco affare del North Stream che continua a umiliare l’Europa l Kukturjam
  • In realtà il mondo attuale è pieno di tesi strampalate che passano per mainstream, quindi la mal argomentazione è il minore dei mali, leggo e valuto.

    Hivemind vuol dire che se in una comunità hai una certa opinione, ogni opinione alternativa è vista come il male. E quello lo vedo spessissimo sui sub(reddit) o sui canali lemmy americani.

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    Lo sporco affare del North Stream che continua a umiliare l’Europa l Kukturjam
  • Non notizia un corno, visto che all'epoca si era subito puntato ai russi. Quanto alle motivazioni, l'autore dà delle ipotesi, come farebbe chiunque, visto che in testa alla gente non ci può andare. Bollare un legittimo dibattito come complottismo ( o altro ) è la tipica brutta abitudine occidentale odierna. Tra l'altro almeno tra italiani si riesce a discutere, ho provato nei sub anglosassoni, ma lì hanno un hivemind allucinante. Fossero tutti come te, magari.

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    Lo sporco affare del North Stream che continua a umiliare l’Europa l Kukturjam
  • Dogma? Complottano?


    During a joint news conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, President Biden is asked about the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

    "If Russia invades, that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine again, then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it."

    When asked how, the president says, "I promise you, we will be able do that."

    vedi qui

    Più chiaro di così.... poi, se uno proprio non vuole vedere le cose, è inutile parlarci, alla fine negare l'evidenza è un problema tuo, non mio.

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    Lo sporco affare del North Stream che continua a umiliare l’Europa l Kukturjam
  • C'è persino la dichiarazione di Biden che lo avrebbero fatto saltare, più di così... fino ad oggi di cavolate su questo attacco ne ho sentite solo dai media tradizionali, che ormai mi stupisco quando forniscono una notizia corretta.

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    Racism Is Why Trump Is So Popular
  • I think that you overextimate the american exceptionalism. In the xx century the europe was destroyed in the ww leaving the usa as the only state not touched by the wars. The rest of the world was lagging techlogicaly. Now the situation is different. Usa is a young country and it is not different from any other.

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    Racism Is Why Trump Is So Popular
  • I don't know if you understand, but every ethnic minority in every part of the world have problems. USA now is involved in at least two ethnic conflicts ( gaza and ukraine/dombass ). What do you american don't understand is that a country without an ethnic majority is unstable. See jugoslavia of austro-hungary empire. I think that usa enemies are really happy about a balkanisation of the usa. Your comment should be make chinese happy. You start to talk like a balkan ethnicity.

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    British MPs want to haul Elon Musk before parliament over riots
  • Plantations were far older than paisley and the troubles. The timeline of historical events is numbered in centuries or millenia. Jewish diaspora started 2000 years ago, mediterranean division between religions 1400 years ago. The changes due to mass migration in europe will continue for centuries, changing the shape and the ideology of the nations for a very long time. Some nations will be born, some other will die.

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    British MPs want to haul Elon Musk before parliament over riots
  • The one of the reasons of the irish hate against the english were the plantations of ulster. Not a single speech. I suppose that you know a little bit of ulster history.

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    British MPs want to haul Elon Musk before parliament over riots
  • I don't think that uk political class too ( as other european countries ) know much about Uk. I have direct experience about "communities" in other european countries, but when the problems erupt, the ruling class flee. I don't think about a civil war, the situation is more complex than it happears and i think that is very difficult that labour starting seriously to wage war to their voter base. Musk is part of the capitalist globalist elite that is causing all this mess ( like tories ).

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    British MPs want to haul Elon Musk before parliament over riots
  • Any media spread hate against other groups/spread lies. Or you have even read any newspaper in the past 100 years. I read reddit and i read the worst things about adversarial groups any day. Sometime even war crimes apologies, a post was so terrible that could be used as a war crimes proff ( a drone targeting and killing a medical unit doing their work during wartime ). But it is very rare that this kind of speech cause some riots. Ex: never heard of democrats targeting republicans with riots in USA. The strange thing is that russians tell that usa and uk are using the social to promote colored revolutions ( and is x is between them ). So X is an instrument of CIA / MI5 or a russian asset? When the troubles erupted were more simple time.

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    British MPs want to haul Elon Musk before parliament over riots
  • Not from uk, but do you really believe that one person comment or a single criminal event can cause such a mess? It is like saying the troubles were caused by a speech of ian paisley. In uk you have huge examples of revolts/wars between different populations ( irish/english/welsh/scottish ) but this time is a comment the cause... seeing from outside it seems ... weird

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    Negli ultimi due anni HotNews . ro, uno dei siti di notizie più grandi e popolari in Romania, è stato inondato da commenti troll filo-russi.
  • Tenuto conto che i mezzi di informazione occidentali sono pieni di propaganda e nasconono notizie, per capirci qualcosa bisogna leggere fonti estere. Per carità, sparano pure loro cavolate, ma almeno sono più riconoscibili. Reddit dal punto di vista delle notizie è totalmente illeggibile. In questo momento è solo propaganda e cavolate, pure in sub tematici. Ho trovato molto più leggibili siti cinesi ( tradotti con chatgpt ) che reddit stesso. Oltretutto sui social occidentali c'è una censura spaventosa ( pure qui su lenny nei sub anglofili ). Censura così forte che mi stupisco alle volte di trovare certe opinioni.
