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Ya'll do realize you can customize what you can/can't see on kbin/lemmy, and your experience is about about how you make it right?
  • The lack of curation is both a blessing and a curse for our community. It’s going to keep our feeds less engaging, which will limit our size. On the other hand, it’s going to keep our feeds less engaging, which will keep us engaging with our real lives more.

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    DeSantis Pushes Baseless Claim ‘Liberal States’ Conduct ‘Post-Birth Abortions’
  • When I was a kid my family used to joke about a post birth abortion. It’s amazing to see someone so desperate that they actually are using the idea to win votes

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    GPT-4's details are leaked.
  • Yeah but the original Wright Flyer was extremely janky. It took decades before planes were safe enough for the general public to fly on them. I doubt it’s going to take decades for LLM’s to get really good, but it’s undeniable that the current generation of these systems are somewhat lacking in quality

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    Mercedes-Benz adopts Tesla's NACS charging standard
  • NA is a big enough market that lots of models already use specific variations. I could see that happening in the future with charge ports

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    Mercedes-Benz adopts Tesla's NACS charging standard
  • CCS2 could certainly be redesigned to support 3 phase power in a smaller form factor if they upsized 2 of the power connectors on the mennekes plug to allow them to carry the dc current (similar to how nacs works). But it works well enough for Europe

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    Mercedes-Benz adopts Tesla's NACS charging standard
  • It says a lot about ccs that all the automakers are switching off of it. Even if the ccs networks weren’t noticeably worse, nacs is smaller, and should make for much easier vehicle packaging designs (see: Tesla nacs in taillights vs ccs behind a big door)

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    The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has been updated to Version 1.2.0
  • I’m still on the version they shipped out at release so I can keep my dupe glitch. Somehow I’ve put in over 200 hours in the game despite being a cheater, and I’m still grinding like crazy. Not sure why Nintendo set the economy the way they did tbh

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • This is why I’m going to hold onto my ancient inkjet without DRM until it dies. I can buy the no-name ink off amazon for $7 and it works just as good

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    Twitter seeing 52% of its links removed on google after user requirement change
  • I for one think this kind of humor represents how we’ve really sunk to the bottom of the barrel here

    I mean, come on, hasn’t this just crushed your spirits?

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    SpaceX Tourists Swoop Into International Space Station
  • Once upon a time, air travel was the purview of the rich and famous. Early aviators like Amelia Earhart were celebrities, but their once-dangerous routes are now flown hundreds of times a day by commercial jets that most people can afford to fly on. The reason we all fly around today is that aviators discovered a virtuous cycle of scale -> profit -> investment -> scale that enabled the industry to develop ever larger and ever more efficient aircraft.

    The same thing is going to happen with Spaceflight over the next few years. It took us about 60 years, but we have finally reached the point where lots of ventures can make profits in space, which should hopefully trigger another virtuous cycle that will end with affordable space travel for all

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    What's your experience with Lemmy since last month?
  • Seems to me like we are close to hitting some kind of critical mass. It’s been amazing seeing things shift from 1-2 posts getting big threads and 100+ upvotes per day to seeing thousands of those. Also seeing over 100 comments on posts created 30 minutes ago has been neat

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    Why did old american movies sound so different?
  • Something that some of the other replies have missed is that older movies were often shot (and a lot of actors were trained) from the perspective of a “stage play for the silver screen.” Stage plays have to work for large audiences, and so they tend to feature more exaggerated voice / body movements. These tricks were used on movies for a long time, but have faded as visual effects and sound recording have gotten better

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    PC speed gains erased by modern software
  • Hasn’t this always been the case? Software development is a balance between efficiency of code execution and efficiency of code creation. 20 years ago people had to code directly in assembly to make games like Roller Coaster Tycoon, but today they can use C++ (or even more abstract systems like Unity)

    We hit the point where hardware is fast enough for most users about 15 years ago, and ever since we’ve been using faster hardware to allow for lazier code creation (which is good, since it means we get more software per man-hour worked)

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    Steam Deck Screw Properties for Maintenance and Modification
  • Thank you for posting this! As one engineer to another, well done!

    On a side note, do you know if the Steam Deck has a dedicated grounding location to allow work with an esd strap?

  • Apollo has ceased working

    Looks like Apollo is now dead boys and girls. Feels like having a loved one die

    AITA for telling my kids about my wife's cheating?
  • NTA. You did nothing wrong. She fucked another man. You should tell the kids yourself before she takes the opportunity to tell a story that paints her as justified or something
