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Fortinet confirms data breach after hacker claims to steal 440GB of files
  • The hacker goes by the name “fortibitch” lol. I’m imagining some poor soul who works at FortiNet receiving this email and having to respond to “fortibitch” and tell their boss that they received a ransom notice from “fortibitch”

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    Think my radiator temperature thing is broken.. any ideas?
  • Is this for your home’s water heater? I was initially under the impression this was going to be for your car.

    If this is your home’s water heater, it is possible that by turning it off it did turn out. Some water heaters have a pilot light that needs to be lit and by turning it off, you extinguish that flame and it needs to be relit. It depends on each water heater in the manner how you will relight it, but most will have you either turn the knob to a certain point and hold a button while you light it using a match or they will provide another button you press which creates a spark which will hopefully light the pilot light. You need to be watching the pilot flame as you do this to see if the flame sticks. If it does, then you can move the dial to an on position to have the flame fully light up, almost like how a gas flame lights up on your gas stovetop.

    All this is general but these directions in between are more direct depending on your specific make and model. The best thing you can do is to either watch a YouTube video on your specific make and model to see how it’s done or look up the manual online. Also, in most cases from the many I’ve seen, they should have these written as directions on the side of the tank. They can often be a bit hard to read and follow for the first time, so be patient and don’t be afraid to re-read sections again a few times to be sure they’re saying what you understood.

    There’s no much risk involved here for the most part if you’re safe, but the taking time part is mostly because I’ve had issues pointing the dial to the correct position and it creates confusion and frustration for me. But taking time to re-read it before acting helps reduce those occurrences.

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    Android apps can now force Google Play download, effectively blocking sideloading
  • I guess the next step in piracy is to change the apk enough that it doesn’t get recognized correctly, if that’s possible? Though then everyone will have to worry about malware-ridden apps.

    I think this is horrible, aside from piracy, because you may want or need to stay on an older version of an app. I have had to for devices at work that require a specific version or just an easy way to manage the device and ensure devices only got updates we approved through our MDM.

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    The most annoying thing about younger people is they c*nsor themselves
  • It doesn’t make much sense anyway. You try to take away the power a word has or make it so it’s not readily available, but that just makes me wonder more about it.

    “The f word? Which f word?”

    “Why did they put an asterisk to hide ‘abuse’?”

    “F*cker” - great censoring. Nobody will ever be able to tell what that word was.

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    James Earl Jones, Distinguished Actor and Voice of Darth Vader, Dies at 93
  • Knew it was coming soon but it still hurts to know he’s no longer here. I can’t say I ever saw a movie I was displeased with that he was in. He reminded me of my grandpa.

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    American tourists visiting the EU, what do you think of it?
  • Went to Iceland a few years ago and the biggest thing I noticed was how clean everything was. In the US, at least where I am, trash is literally part of the street. Little black “gum” streaks, random paper flying about…

    I don’t remember ever seeing any litter of any kind anywhere we went on the island.

    I do remember seeing a random piece of raw meat on a meadow but that was it and I’m not sure I’d call that litter.

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    My local Publix removed the water dispenser
  • Yeah it’s not a good solution at all. Would have been better to have a separate place for water to serve both purposes. I see a lot of places that will have a glass pitcher dispenser on the side of a soda dispenser just for water.

    The water usually tastes better from these, anyway. Not polluted by the sugary soda/carbonation that comes from the same dispenser.

    Would also be obvious that someone isn’t getting free soda and pretending to get water since it’s a totally different place.

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    The creator of Lutris has joined up with Playtron for PlaytronOS
  • It's backed by the likes of Samsung, Square Enix, Circle & Mysten Labs and is taking aim at both SteamOS from Valve and Windows from Microsoft to give a simple interface to get gaming on handheld PCs and more.

    This is going to be interesting. I think Valve will welcome the competition while Microsoft is not going to like this if they notice an impact.

    It’ll be interesting to see what new features they can bring to the table that Valve can implement or improve SteamOS on.

    But loving to see more Linux options and less reliance on Windows!

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    My local Publix removed the water dispenser
  • That’s probably their argument. They probably thought that by removing the water option, people won’t be able to sneak soda and pretend they were getting free water.

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    What's the dumbest Reddit ban you've heard of?
  • Oh no this was years before Covid that this was happening. I remember this because it was prior to a close family member of mine passing and that had something to do with my personal experience with this sub, in particular.

    They said it was due to “brigading”, but a lot of the users being banned had never heard of the obscure subs that were doing this.

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    What's the dumbest Reddit ban you've heard of?
  • The wannabe tyrants of subs like OffMyChest who banned people for simply posting in another sub, regardless of context, and the fact that Reddit didn’t shit about it despite it being against their own ToS.

    Super lazy form of “moderating” to not just wait for someone to actually be a dick in your sub. Most people receiving the ban never heard of your dopey little sub until they got auto-banned for the crime of participating in an unrelated sub.

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    Cat makes surprise return home four days after being ‘cremated’
  • I don’t know whether it’s best to know that your pet has deceased or that they’re still just lost. Both situations sound horrible for the original owners of the deceased cat :/ if it had owners, that is.

    Kind of surprised their Ted didn’t have a collar on? They let that cat roam the neighborhood without any identification that he has a family? We don’t let our cats roam the neighborhood anymore, but when we did, we always made sure they had a collar so someone didn’t assume they were strays needing a home or to be taken to the shelter. Otherwise, would have thought it strange that this cat didn’t have a collar on, unless they assumed it was ripped off at some point?
