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Use ofSecurity' key from Yubico?
  • I been wanting a yubikey but the fact their not open source really kills it. Any alternatives that are still iron clad?

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    What's something you did once but won't do again?
  • Start with a low dose. Around 1 gram. Get a feel for it a time or two. Then step it up as you feel comfortable possibly up another gram. They will make you explore your mind and self. Don't do them if you have been in a negative or bad mood as it intensifies how your feeling usually. Don't do them in a bad unsafe environment. Lockup phone and keys. Have a sober companion with you the entire time you can entirely trust. Relax. Plan to do nothing in public.

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    What scares you?
  • I want to die awake. Preferably a gunshot to the head. That bad things happen to good people even death, life isn't fair but you play the hand your dealt, and while not in vain, life has little meaning when thinking of times massive scale. Like the poem of Ozymandiaz.

    I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed: And on the pedestal these words appear: ‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’ Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

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    What scares you?
  • I live it everyday. Others around me see and deal with it. Very frustrating. Sometimes you know its happening and sometimes your just not functioning normal anymore. Its like being a shell of your former self.

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    Anon is straight
  • What does based mean? Edit after finding out: That's wild. When there are many other words to describe the same thing.

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    As rule as it gets
  • You actually can sharpen ceramic blades but its a pain and their super brittle. But for cutting light tasks their far far superior. I've used many of them.

  • I am new to using Monero. What are the rules to moving anon. and safe with Monero. Safest exchanges, Wallets, and sources to spend online would be ideal. How does one turn cash into crypto. Debit cards possible or surrogate spenders?


    This should be far more secure and privacy friendly than a Sim card of a cellular connection. Why isn't this done more often? What are the Pros and Cons. I bet the price is similar as well.


    I am looking for any methods to add privacy to Siri. I do not use apple products but it appears their voice assistant is the most privacy friendly option of the mainstream brands. How can I privatize/anonymize the smallest apple device with siri for daily use. Such as an iPod or iPhone jailbroke or not, or homepod device. I do not have the time to do a lengthy setup. I need plug and go for the most part as I am overworked already. I am using this for voice reminders, to do lists, the basic stuff, asking questions. Thanks.

    Edit: Besides locking it in a sound proof danger box, using a voice changer as input, hard wiring on its own little danger spot on the network, fake account, pi hole, and VPN. Any realistic ideas?


    I am looking for a voice assistant that is as private as could be its a NEED not a want. I am aware of Mycroft who has discontinued service. I am aware of Rhasspy but it seems like a lot to setup and maintain.

    I'm more looking for how to privatize something mainstream on mobile to always have it with me, not a standalone at home device. I'm talking Alexa, Siri, Google assistant, ect. For to do lists, reminders, looking up questions on the web. The usual use cases. In what ways can one make their assistant a little more privacy friendly without not using one? Which assistant is best? Thanks.

    Edit: I've considered setting one behind VPN, Behind something like Pihole to block Calling Home from said app or device.


    I am looking for an auto toggle feature for the swipe down menu. Sometimes I forget to turn off Bluetooth, location, or other toggles on the drop down menu. Is there such a way to have Bluetooth shutoff after 15 mins of inactivity? Or say Mic, camera toggle off after X time of no use, location toggle, etc. Pixel 6 Pro.

    https:// /Divested-Mobile/Hypatia

    Anyone have any experience with this app? Could it be malware? Are there other Foss or FLOSS alternatives?


    Is there a WiFi camera with an app for viewing when away from home, that has decent privacy? Plug and play would be nice. Limited time to do major setup as in 2 hours tops. Cost is fine nothing into 4 digits. Recording not neccesary. No storage is needed. Simple live viewing is all.


    Title says it all. I'm looking for serious electrolyte powder, drink, supplement, DIY that is GLUTEN FREE. For when water isn't hydrating enough due to an underlying medical condition Celiac disease. I hope this is OK to post. I can easily drink 1.5 gallons a day and gain no relief from horrible dehydration. I'll also share my water bottle soon as I can!


    Basically I am looking for a messaging platform like signal or? but with anonymous signup, perfect forward secrecy, capable of video chat, sending photos the usual uses in today's life. But with a panic button. So that any party member could use said button to wipe all other members devices of any data instantly inside the messaging app. So if one member gets compromised, or lost their device, stolen device ect, any other member could wipe all chats, call log, and any other data strictly inside the messaging client instantly for everyone involved. Disolving the group like it never existed rendering the data unrecoverable. Amazons Wickr used to have most of these features but it is being discontinued December 2023 and who trusts amazon with their data. Does something like this exist? Sorry if I'm not explaining it well I'll do my best to clarify and update this post. I am not trying to delete the whole device. Just the data inside the messaging app. If that does not exist. What about a separate app that could delete the entire messaging platform from the device when triggered. Assume all necessary requirements are met and this is for daily use. Between a group of trusted parties.

    Updated wording to clarify the objective as replies where getting misunderstood.
