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This is fine.
  • I'm not sure what the forest fire risk is in this area, but i'd be happy to trade a little flooding for an early end to fire season right about now.

    Edit: That said, I hope everyone stays safe!

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    Trump Threatens the NASDAQ After Exchange Halts Trading on His Media Company: ‘What’s Going On?’
  • It's hilarious. They were literally propping up the value of his company by preventing a price implosion.

    It makes me wonder if his orders got cancelled.

    Edit: my bad.

    I failed to read the article. It was a price spike that got cut off. See below.

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    Every show with a suicide now has a disclaimer with a suicide hotline at the beginning. Is there any evidence that these warnings make a positive difference?
  • Optics.

    Sooner or later someone will commit suicide while watching your show, no matter what you do. If that episode happens to contain a suicide scene, and somebody rightly or wrongly connects the dots, you want the disclaimer to be there.

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    How do you set up wake up alarm and not miss it ?
  • 2 alarms, one on the iPad, one on the phone. Full volume, spaced 10 minutes apart.

    Edit: these go off almost 2 hours before I have to leave, and I'm asleep 7-8 hours before they go off. My biggest difficulty in waking up on time is not going to bed with enough time to fall asleep for 8 hours.

    I have a hard-stop alarm, set 9 hours before I have to wake up, to remind myself to get ready for bed. A full sleep cycle (including morning routine) is an 11-hour time investment for me.

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    [Serious] What should every young person do?
  • Travel on the cheap while you're still willing to put up with it.

    Seriously. Save up a couple thousand dollars. Go see stuff.

    Make sure you have enough in your emergency fund to get home if you screw it up.

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    American tourists visiting the EU, what do you think of it?
  • I'm from California, been on various trips around Spain, and France, with under a week spent in both Italy and Switzerland.

    I love everywhere I've been. I'd be happy to live somewhere in western Europe.

    I don't know if European healthcare is better, but it's far more civilized in its availability. I haven't seen much difference between EU and USA for equivalent-quality grocery prices, with the exception of Zurich. I've found Europe to be generally safe. There seems to be more "sneaky" crime, whereas the States has more confrontational crime.

    Freeway etiquette is far better in France and Spain than California. Trains, of course, are better too.

    One major difference is labor laws. The EU has far more protection, but far less mobility. I remember telling a German friend that I had gotten a new job operating a fairly large power system, after working in a tangentially related field, without any additional study or licenses, and his response was "Only in America!" I hadn't even considered that this move would be far more difficult in other countries.

  • Chronova Engineering produces exquisite mechanical marvels. Their production values are astonishing, with incredible macro work and a very soothing narration.


    The seats are assigned. People have been standing in line for 15 minutes now. Why on earth would anyone want to stand there, when they could just sit and wait until the line clears?

    I understand wanting to get off a plane ASAP, but boarding? You just end up sitting on the plane, waiting for everyone else to get on.


    I just got to work at 02:30, covering the second half of the graveyard shift. Pretty quiet night.


    This album has phenomenal songwriting. It's got a kind of laid-back LA-surf-rock sound with elements of punk and maybe a hint of wistful country in the lyrics.

    The album and band appear endangered, unavailable on any music streaming service.

    The only online version I could find is this a random YouTube upload with almost no views.

    They were introduced to me by a friend's sister in, like 1999. Their band ended quickly after the death of one of the members.

    The only other digital presence related to them now appears to be a remaining band member's channel, which hasn't been updated in 11 years.
