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RFC 7493: The I-JSON Message Format
  • Imo the only ones that should feel bad about it are those upvoting it.

    Edit: lemmy is mostly low effort stuff and not interesting discussions. So while this post provides nothing of value that is something the voting system is supposed to handle

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    What's the best way to monitor and log which processes are responsible for high system load throughout the day? Tools like top and htop only provide immediate values, but I'm looking for a solution
  • I like zabbix. It can monitor what ever i like, using snmp, ipmi, rest apis or its own agent.

    I have a team member insisting on using netdata, but outside of the nice dashboard it doesn’t provide anything. It is local only, and setting up alarms is a pain. And tbh it nags more than canonical stuff

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    On .LAN domains, how to stop firefox switching to https (when it's not available) and stop complaining about self-signed certificates when it is available ?
  • Install the cert using settings->privacy->certs. Use server option to download and install the cert

    For https/hrtp as default either ask google for sertings for prefered protocol, type :80 behind address or specify protocol. I believe they changed it to default to https if none is specified a while back

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    NSFW Tag for drug use?
  • That tag covers a lot of different things. This has been debated on reddit for 15 years, with no progress on other types of tags. It’s the only one, so while it says “work” it includes stuff a lot of us don’t need/want in general. It’s there to censor stuff

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    NSFW Tag for drug use?
  • Yeah. Or that was the original meaning like 15 years back. Now there are hide nsfw settings in most clients and some of them where thats the default

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    I like both, but usually prefer Ubuntu
  • No - and if they left it at that it would be great. I had to clean up 25 devices that had ububtu Lts, and that advantage had enabled the repos for thst shit, so apt wouldnt even do a dist-upgrade to prepare for do-release-upgrade.

    Its not just the OS either, they are cancer to oss with their mixed «community» and enterprise stuff.

    They only ever open source as little as they can.

    Sell services, not code

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    I like both, but usually prefer Ubuntu
  • Sometimes its not my computer though, sometimes its a server at work and it needs pure debian. It does not need snap. It does not need ubuntu-advantage.

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    NSFW Tag for drug use?
  • Censor it! Most things can be unsafe for work. What if you are a formula one driver?? You should not be breastfeeding while driving a gazillion miles per 860 seconds
