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How is Lemmy better than Reddit?
  • For me it’s not that it’s “better” it’s just not the cesspit that Reddit has become. It’s certainly better for avoiding mindless negativity.

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    📄 rule
  • I’m British and you are not alone, worse still, I spent a year in the USA and never even noticed.

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    The level of engagement on Reddit these days
  • I recently posted a picture of a part I had fitted to a bike, this part was something made in the country of Norway and I found that a bot/Ai replied to the post and moreover it was deliberately negative, it was upvoted too. That’s when I checked out of Reddit.

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    Michelangelo's statue of David encased in bricks to prevent bomb damage, WWII
  • Given that the statue and the material surrounding it are different could we then just do an MRI of the cairns and see the sculpture, that would be pretty cool.
