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Don't do that, Don't give me hope
  • It's a meme (in Russian 'leftist' social media) quote from a speech by Putin in Feb 22 right before he invaded. About how Ukraine is a fake country created by the foolish utopian Bolsheviks who used declarations of self determination as empty slogans to gain initial support. And then Stalin built a normal centralized state but didn't bother changing the utopian "confederative" wording.

    So now Putin is forced to fix Stalin's mistake, put Ukraine through decommunisation and go back (presumably to how it was in the Russian empire) before all this communist nonsense.

    Here's the full speech if you're interested

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    Dear Lemmy, **why** Star Trek??
  • Judging from how some people talk about ai idk if most people even leftists would like to live in the culture. But yeah, the books turned me into a transgender communist so I'd recommend them based on that

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    Bilinguals, does chatGPT sound different in other languages?
  • Yeah iirc it's been confirmed that the brainwashing/muzzling don't extend as much to other languages. It's a bit easier to get it to talk about spicy topics in Russian in my experience

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    Thoughts on this community post by Hakim?
  • I wrote the comment thinking of the Iranian revolution which afaict ended with the clerics taking power and imprisoning/murdering all the atheist leftists they could find. But it's a very different situation from Palestine desperately struggling to form any kind of state at all. My bad and thank you for responding patiently.

    It was just weird seeing praise in the op and some comments (in a leftist/Marxist community) for the use of religion as an organizing principle, as smth good in itself instead of a necessary/temporary evil. Like, even our anthem has a line for "Ni dieu, ni césar, ni tribun!"

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    Thoughts on this community post by Hakim?
  • I feel like I'm either deluded or turning into a plain old Western atheist chauvinist scrolling through these comments.

    But everyone seems to be ignoring the fact that Hamas was specifically propped up by the Israelis (multiple quotes from Israeli leadership attesting this) in their struggle against the secular PLO because the PLO was a bigger threat to Israeli plans for domination. Except in the past decade they've gone off the chain so to speak. Kind of like the mujahideen sponsored by the United States in Afghanistan to fight the Soviet friendly government, which also went off the chain and started attacking the US.

    Israel wants palestine divided with a militant Hamas in the west that they can crush/conquer with impunity, and a weakened/coopted PLO in the east that cannot resist creeping colonization. But as far as I can tell the high point of hopes for a palestinian state were back in the 90s when there was a broad secular coalition under Arafat and a strong PLO.

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    eye spy
  • I don't think the pseudopupils are a feature of the eye distinct from any other part, it's just what the individual facets look like viewed at a shallow angle.

    edit: not that there aren't bugs with different colored regions of their eyes. I'm not sure about the functionality of those tho, is it for vision or camouflage or looking good for the ladies or what. Will google
