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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago
Star Trek Social Club

Today I finally finished my office background MSD

It took over a year of getting all the parts together and is back lit my nanoleaf panels (hence the lines and gaps at the edge). A worthy trade off for the fun effects!

  • This may be Lower Decks finest penultimate episode yet. I definitely feels at this point like McMahan has a five season plan. At least for the OG Lower Deckers.

    Definitely an episode that plays the emotional fiddle for TNG fans with the Sito reveal as well. Currently weighing up whether to get my partner to watch First Duty and Lower Decks before we watch it together later.

    Laughed out loud at the Endor Moon base inexplicably being on this random insane weather planet.

    Great to have Robbie McDunc back as Locarno as well. If nothing else this may finally kill the urban myth that they didn't use Locarno in Voyager due to royalties once and for all. I can but only hope.

    I also like that they've let Freeman come into her own as a Captain more than previous this season. She's really demonstrating not just top tier tactics and diplomacy but also actually clearly keeping tabs on her crew and addressing out of character behaviour. With that said, Rutherford felt included just for an excuse to follow Freeman which was a shame.

    Billups as the masked pilot surprised me. I expected it to be Locarno.

    The fake out Balok puppet had be howling.

  • Star Trek Social Club
    OpticalData Locutus of Borg (EXO-6)

    Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users.

    Arrived this morning, an absolutely superb figure and likeness

    Star Trek Social Club
    OpticalData The Voyager Lineage (24/25c)

    Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users.

    A fan art sketch that I've been working on the past few days.

    Voyager's are like busses, you don't get any for 20 years and then you get almost one a year (on average)!

    Star Trek Social Club

    The Star Trek 'Where Should I Start' guide

    ##"Where should I start?"

    At the time of writing, there are 11 Star Trek shows (3 actively running) and 13 movies with a further show and a movie 'special event' in development.

    With that in mind, it's no wonder that people come to this subreddit on a regular basis to ask where should I start?

    This page is intended to be a spoiler free, quick start guide for people starting their journey through the Star Trek franchise.

    We hope you find it useful, and please do contribute to the subreddit with your questions as you take your own journey; just be warned that you may see the odd spoiler.


    StarTrek moderation team

    What is canon? What can I skip?

    The broad rule for the Star Trek franchise is that it's canon if it appears on screen though this still has its exceptions, maybe.

    Instead of telling you what you can and can't skip in an unwie

  • A feel like that Ronald D. Moore rant that came out after he left the show really damaged the perception of the show in many fan circles. This damage getting even worse when Moore went on to create BSG which is some spectacular television.

    Many of the continuity/'reset button' complaints seem to stem from it and today even Moore admits that he was being unreasonably harsh on the show. His issue was with Brannon Braga and his own problems taking instruction/being led by somebody he's had creative clashes with who used to just be a colleague.

    But Voyager could not and never would be BSG. The Federation is far more advanced than the colonies were as a prime sticking point. Are we really going to see the ship get damage over the course of the series as though replicators aren't onboard?

    Did Voyager play it safe in some areas? Sure. But it was a network tent pole for UPN. Much of the aspects of DS9 that people love wouldn't exist without Voyager being the 'star' at the time at taking the networks attention. Not to mention that DS9 was as bad for, if not worse at reset buttons - remember that pylon that got blown up and was just fine the next ep? Remember how they blew up the Defiant and just went 'lol here's a new one with different carpet' for the finale?

    That was just the reality of TV at the time. CG got significantly cheaper in the years after they both went off air - as evidenced even within Trek with the persistent damage in Enterprises third season.

    I'm also really glad that you mentioned Seven and how brave they were with a number of those stories. There was clearly network pressure for 'T&A' and they could have gone the very easy (TNG) route of having a character in a skin tight outfit that rotates through love interest and sexual assault plots for focus episodes but otherwise just stands around stating the obvious (Sorry Troi), instead they introduced an attractive character in a catsuit and immediately made her but heads with the Captain, run around like a maverick and in the process gave us one of Treks very best character development arcs (somewhat at the expense of other members of the cast mind).

    We also have to remember that they wanted (and needed due to VHS recorders being unreliable at best) a show where you could kiss a few episodes but still tune in and have a good time. I think, perhaps better than any other Trek Voyager succeeded in its aims in this regard.