Reverse psychology. Advise that it's not for just everyone and warn people to stay away. It's full of radical lefties here, it's not for you normies, stick to what you know. Keep drinking that kool-aid.
What I don't understand - and please explain if you can - is why Bernie and like-minded people like AOC etc don't break away from the likes of the Clintons and the Harrises and form their own party. Surely there must be some systemic hurdle keeping them from at least attempting right?
Can you explain how this works to a 5(0)yo who is unfamiliar with federated/defederated workings?
You sound like you're about to lose your farm
Is there anything that you would like to do, any bucket list items etc?
The OP didn't complain so wtf are you on about? Calm your tits it's an observation.
Hahahah ok I understand how that is what practically happens, but where do they stand politically? What I mean is, this time we saw Harris support fracking and guns, having a lackluster response to Israeli aggression - to say the least - buddying up with Liz Cheney etc etc. Do people who are disappointed by this right turn have any reason to turn to the greens? If not, is there anyone else?
Why are they all so orange?
Damn Sheryl went downhill after Larry
Can someone explain why all this hatred for the green party? I don't know anything about them but I wouldn't be surprised if the reason for that is active silencing.
North Mexico
You are not alone there
The guy probably has a room temp IQ in °C, I'm surprised he managed to keep his farm for that long.
I'd like to see named upvotes (if that's already a thing, sorry I'm just a casual lurker couldn't be bothered to find out)
And you know what, I'm a fan of the rugged look with the brushed steel and all that. I just can't get past the lines, they are so terrible. It really looks like a kid drew it but in a bad way. If they'd made it square it would be nice imho
$78 would only feed 2 people
Aside from the fact that you'd be funding the nazis, it's so fucking ugly...
That's not a very interesting conversation, I will agree.
Fair enough, now that I'm aware of the context I get the spirit of the post. Still I wouldn't let sea lioning or whatever it's called dissuade people from having conversations.
I guess I'm missing the context here, I have no idea who these people are or why they're marginalized. But generally speaking not engaging in civilized discourse does not help.
This is the type of mindset that has destroyed civilized discourse and eventually leads to dumber peoples with religiously encrusted beliefs, no ability to learn, improve and progress. Finding it so taxing to discuss is usually because when putting their positions to the test they find they have no arguments.