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What do you miss from the old internet?
  • I miss when web communities were more disparate, and each community had their own inside jokes, memes, and jargon.

    Now every web community just uses the exact same mishmash of memes from Reddit/Twitter/4chan, and most web communities end up being indistinguishable from each other.

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    Alpha Male v0.00003
  • P.S. why do AlphaBros specifically look at wolves, or lobsters, to instruct us on social hierarchy? There are so many other animals, those seem pretty random choices. And pretty far afield from humans.

    Because other animal choices don't validate the rightwing ideology that places them at the top, which is their entire goal in the first place.

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    Alpha Male v0.00003
  • The "alpha/beta" meme was invented by rightwing think tanks in the late 2000's/early 2010's to promote their ideology of rigid social-hierarchies where people at the top are allowed to impose and abuse people of lower social station with impunity, and to police and control the behavior of heterosexual men (it ain't just the LGBTQ's that get their gender-expression policed, ohhh no no no.)

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    Educate yourself.
  • Oh yeah? Well, how many Youtube videos has this elitist "scientist" published? How many suppliment pills has she sold online? Why should I trust her?

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Lol at how you're getting downvoted for telling the truth.

    All you have to do to defeat Twitter, is stop using it, and stop caring about it. Use literally any other website. Read a book. Learn a hobby. "Get a life", as we'd say in the 1990's.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Just stop using Twitter. There's a half-dozen alternatives by now, Jesus Christ.

    Take your time and attention somewhere else. Leave.

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    YouTube and Reddit are sued for allegedly enabling the racist mass shooting in Buffalo that left 10 dead
  • Can't see how the lawsuit on the tech giants gets passed Section 230, which is unfortunate as Spez and the people who run Youtube willfully helped enable and encourage this shooter.

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    DeArrow extension for YouTube that makes thumbnails bearable
  • I installed this app and looked up some Mr. Beast vids as a test. If anything, it made more tempted to check out his vids just because I don't have to see his annoying giant soyface in every thumbnail now.
