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Has anyone deleted their Lemmy mobile app(s) to cut down on screen time?
  • I'm in the same boat, I spend way less time on Lemmy than I did Reddit. I consider that a good thing, happy I made the switch. Plus I feel like posting/commenting on Lemmy is much more rewarding than Reddit so that's another bonus imo.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • It took me like 5 minutes to find an alternative to Aniwave. It follows the exact same format and everything.

    In my experience it's like a game of whac-a-mole. One website goes down and another takes it's place. I'm not worried.

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  • In Canada we call them Pogo's because of those shitty frozen Pogo brand corn dogs. Kinda like how Kleenex is used for tissues.

    It's just a hot dog on a stick dipped in a corn meal batter then deep fried.

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    Listeria outbreak: What to do with deli meats and what to know
  • You can get lunch meat that doesn't have cultured celery extract or sodium nitrate. It's usually only chicken or turkey, ham pretty much always has it in my experience.

    I've also been meaning to make my own using a ham press.You have to grind the meat, fill the tube and boil it. Then you can cut into slices and it's almost the same as what you get in store.

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    In 1976, concert tickets cost less than $10. Now, they can go for thousands. What happened?
  • That's not really a solution. You will always have people willing and able to pay the ridiculous prices. The thing is that passing up the chance to see your favorite artists could mean never seeing them at all. They might die, retire, disband, etc..

    I saw Ozzy in 2019, had to drive 15 hours from Canada to New York. He was 70 years old and still fucking killed it, was everything I hoped it would be. I grew up listening to his music and absolutely had to see him at least once in my life. I doubt I will ever get the chance to see him again. I fucking hate that I paid Ticketmaster's inflated prices and would rather give my money to anyone else. But I don't regret it.

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    Anon gets a nickname
  • Of course there was, we were immature high schoolers in the early 2000's. Long story short, he got a boner while smoking weed in a car with 4 dudes.

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    Anon gets a nickname
  • I had a friend in highschool who was given the nickname "Boner". I know his real name but I've never used it. I still refer to him as boner now, 15 years later.

  • My whole life I've always hated burgers that you get from fast food/restaurants. It's just a bland beef patty with a bunch of toppings that make it a pain to eat. These places advertise their burgers as being "100% Angus Beef!" or whatever, like that makes it appetizing... Why is this the norm? Do people just not know any better?

    I learned how to make burgers from my dad and our approach is completely different. It's all about the patty, not about the mountain of toppings. We throw onions, garlic, bell peppers, egg, worcestershire, salt and pepper (anything you want really) into a blender. Blend it all up and incorporate it directly into the beef. Then you shape your patties. This method makes the actual burger patty delicious, you could eat it as is if you wanted (which we sometimes do).

    I've yet to meet anyone who didn't prefer our burgers. Try it and you'll never go back to those bland meat disks.


    So me and my dad were talking about pressure canning and how it's very uncommon. I've never talked to anyone irl that pressure cans, maybe some water bath canning but that's it. I wonder why it's so uncommon? You can get a pressure canner for less than 150$ and it's incredibly useful.

    I mainly use it for stock/broth but you can use it for so many things, tomatoes, soups, chili, baked beans, stew, spaghetti sauce, etc.. Honestly, anyone who cooks whole chickens somewhat regularly should invest in a pressure canner. I cook two whole chickens at a time and use the carcass to make about 14 litres of stock. I also make beef, turkey, pork and smoked variations of these.

    It's so much better than buying your stock at the store. I will admit that it is a lot of work, from start to finish it takes me about 3 days because I wet brine my chickens. But you could just buy the bones from your butcher which I have done. Just wondering if anyone else does this or reasons why you don't do it?
