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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
4 wk. ago
  • I heard this concept somewhere once of "Technical Debt" wherein a thing gets made and it works really well but then it gets updated or new features are added and something breaks, but rather than tear the whole thing apart to fix the issue, a patch or bandaid gets slapped on to ship the thing. Then the next update comes along and this time it takes two bandaids, one to 'fix' the new problem and one to keep the old bandaid on. The next update takes three bandaids, then four . . . and so on. The accumulation of all these bandaids is known as the Technical Debt, and it must always be repaid, somehow, someday.

    Microsoft stubbornly refuses to repay their technical debt at all costs, Apple is terrified of letting anyone ever get even a glimpse of their mountain of technical debt, and Linux bathes in a weird soup of refusing to let technical debt even happen and dispensing bandaids so fast they make the RedCross look like a joke.

  • Maaannnn

  • I think it probably has far more to do with phonetics and the ways different sounds carry emotion than with the gender identity we insist upon associating with specific words

  • I agree that the two parties definitely need to go, actually I think the entire idea of a party system at all is stupid and dangerous as it inevitably leads to one party gaining power over the others. If there is no banner for a candidate to hide behind then they are forced to get elected on their own merits alone. Hopefully this will be one of the good things to come out of all this bullshit.

    Also, this time really is different (but, not really, lol). This time doing nothing means people die or have their lives utterly annihilated.

  • I'm not suggesting anyone stretches any laws, I just want our lawyers, judges, and government officials to start pushing the limits of the laws we do have as far as they can go. (Though maybe the subtle difference only exists in my head, lol)

    The current administration doesn't give a flying fuck about laws and the more the people that hesitate or use restraint when enforcing those laws, the more the big bad Cunts can get away with playing their stupid dangerous game. Like a rebellious child with no consequences, they will keep sticking their fingers in the cookie jar until the only cookies left are the perfect white, straight, Nazi Americans. There needs to be consequences, and they need to happen now while there is still an America to salvage.

  • Perhaps this is true, but I feel like it's more likely he doesn't want to push his authority any farther because, like most people times likes these, he is terrified of how everything he says and does might come back on him.

  • Being on the spectrum does not put the onus of communication on the partner, and I say that as someone decidedly on the spectrum. It's still a partnership that requires all players to participate fully.

  • 500,000 / 70,000,000 (# of Americans with 401k according ChatGPT's internet search) = ~0.007143

    500,000 / 170,000,000 (# of Americans eligible for a 401k, insert ChatGPT salt warning here) = ~0.002941

    Roughly 0.7% of Americans that have a 401k are millionaires according to this article. Out of all the Americans that could have a 401k, its only about 0.3%. Statistically speaking, effectively nobody is getting a million dollars just by having a 401k. If they are, it is almost certainly because they have a particularly high income or a job with highly competitive benefits, aka. they are already in a much higher socioeconomic class than pretty much every other working American will ever be allowed to achieve in this country.