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Atari are now publishers for the whole RollerCoaster Tycoon series, after buying missing 2004 sequel for $7m
  • I've probably been living under a rock or something but I don't think I've heard Atari being mentioned in a while (or maybe my brain just filtered it out or something). Does anyone know what they've been up to lately?

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    Cannot play videos
  • I had the same problem but a fix someone on Github mentioned works for me.

    Go to your Settings (in LibreTube) > Audio and Video and enable both 'Use HLS' and 'LBRY HLS'. That fixed it for me. Hope it works for you, too!

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    Boost for Lemmy 1.0.8 🔥 - New create/edit post screen, block instances, bug fixes and more! 🚀
  • I'm not sure if it's the new version, but for some reason my account on this instance ( doesn't seem to work properly in Boost, whereas it worked fine before (before meaning earlier this week).

    When I look at my feed (which is set to 'Subscribed') it seems to show posts from all communities instead. And when I try to make a post or comment it says something about the login being invalid. I can still see my profile in Boost, though, and I can even open them for editing. Edit: when I try to post something through the app I get a '401 Invalid Login' error message even though I'm logged in.

    It works fine on the other instance I'm in so if seems to be specific to this instance? (I'm posting this from the website, because Boost won't let me post it from there).

    Thanks for this great app. I loved the Reddit version and I am loving this one as well!

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    Relative size comparison of social media platforms (December 2023)
  • So this is the Pluto of the internet?

    To be honest, despite the smaller community, I feel more at home in the Fediverse than ever I did in those big, bloated, commercial communities.

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    Didn't immediately need them = it's not gonna get done lol
  • Ah yes ours just gives a notification when it's ready. Plus the display will always show how much time is left and it'll show up in the app as well. If its not dry yet it'll adjust the timer but it always gives an estimate on when it should be finished (time left as well as the expected time it will be finished).

    I can hear the tune from the other room, but I like the notification on my phone as a bonus!

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    Didn't immediately need them = it's not gonna get done lol
  • I like our new Samsung dryer as it plays a tune when it's done plus I get a notification on my phone. When our washing machine eventually breaks I want one that has similar features so it's easier to keep track.

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    I can't see how anyone thinks ADHD is a superpower.
  • People who claim having ADHD has benefits or is a super power are just saying it to make it sound less bad. The reality is that ADHD sucks. It's not impossible to deal with most of the time once you learn more about yourself and how your ADHD impacts you and what can help you manage the symptoms. Every individual is different. And sometimes we just have to accept that we mess up and that, although we are responsible for those mess ups and we have to work extra hard to blend in and try not to mess up too badly, it's also a handicap that we didn't ask for.

    I don't get why people say they have certain positive traits thanks to their ADHD. Why can't it be because they themselves, as people, are good at something? Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses and every individual is unique. ADHD makes things more difficult, but not impossible. We just have to work with what we have and all we can do is try to find ways to get what we want in a way that works for us.

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    Dev snapshot: Godot 4.2 beta 2
  • I might just do that. I did also use the 4 and and 4.1 betas and it wasn't giving me too many issues.

    What do you think of 4.2 (so far) compared to 4.1?

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    Dev snapshot: Godot 4.2 beta 2
  • Thank you! I'm already planning to upgrade next month when it's out, so I'm wondering if it's stable enough to do it right now or whether it's safer to wait.

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    Locked and Loaded with new COSMIC DE Updates!
  • Just to be clear, this is for POP!_OS, right? And does it automatically update my POP!_OS installation or is it a completely new distro that I'd have to do a clean install for?

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    [Bug] Long usernames overlap the post count/time before wrapping
  • Maybe if the name exceeds a certain length the font size should automatically be made smaller so that it still fits. That or it would need trailing ... if it gets too long?

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    Dev snapshot: Godot 4.2 beta 2
  • Super nice! I'm really curious about all the new features and can't wait to try them. I wonder if it's safe to switch early or whether it's best to wait for the release (I am very early in the dev process).

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    Linux Newbie here, can I have some advice on dual booting my windows laptop
  • Oh really? So that's why my Windows system clock was way off after I installed Linux a few weeks ago?

    I ran dual boot for a few weeks until my PSU broke which corrupted my Windows installation (I've been using Linux exclusively ever since) but when I was using Windows during that time sometimes I'd accidentally end up going to bed super late because the system clock said it was about 2 hours earlier than it really was.

  • Lately I've been reading a lot about functional programming principles and how they (of some of them) can be applied in C#. So I came across Language-Ext and CSharpFunctionalExtensions (as well as a few smaller ones). I briefly tried Language-Ext and am liking what I see, but haven't tried the other. I know there's always F#, but I want to explore other options as well.

    I'd love to hear about other people's experiences with those libraries (or similar ones). What do you like about them and what don't you like?

    Well that was great. Let's see what people on the internet think!
  • I love good movies that are actually good. But lately I haven't been feeling too well physically (health problems -.-) and needed something to watch. And I ended up watching a lot of movies that are generally considered bad. And I liked them. Because I watched them for what they were and didn't have any expectations.

    I thought some were actually 'decent'. Not the best, but definitely not the trash people said it was (on IMDB and RT) . And then there were some that were really really bad. But most of them were fun! Not good, but fun, which is what I'm usually looking for when watching a movie anyway.

    The types of movies or TV shows I like to watch really depend on how I feel. Sometimes I want to watch movie that makes me think or have a big impact and sometimes I want to watch a movie for its entertainment factor. In the end, if I was entertained while watching the movie, the movie was good enough to me at that time.
