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  • Yeah, the comic adds absolutely nothing to this very tired "fun fact", it's not a successful meme format at all imo.

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    Man sues Apple for accidentally exposing his infidelity
  • No, the issue is that he didn't understand how the technology he was using worked. I mean, one of Apple's most prevalently advertised features is their product integration, it's like, their whole deal.

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    Not Likeable
  • Key people: Jaime Harrison (Chair) Chris Korge (Finance chair) Jason Rae (Secretary)

    Taken from Wikipedia because who actually knows that shit

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    Respect your local wildlife
  • Same reason Voldemort's name is a riddle and is actually Riddle: JK Rowling is lazy. She's also a TERF piece of shit, but that's unrelated as far as I can tell.

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    Honk rule
  • "Have you ever had a honk where you, if you, you would, you could, you would honk you so much you could honk anything?

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    GOP candidate demands Brittney Griner get sent back to Russian prison
  • Yes it is, because "boomers," by definition of the word's intended memetic use, are old yes, but more specifically they are old rich people in power. Using "boomer" as an insult doesn't hurt them. Meanwhile the actual boomers are literally trying to stigmatize and criminalize queerness. It's the same logic that makes it ok (encouraged even) to be racist against white people, it just doesn't affect us.

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  • "No" what? I didn't ask you any yes or no questions, I asked you to relate whatever the hell it is you're talking about to what I was talking about, which you have failed to do yet again. And you're a liar, you said you weren't gonna read this.
