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Ticket System with Taskboard

hello everyone,

I would like to deploy a ticket tool which i can connect with a email mailbox so people can send a email to to create a ticket. Also no login requirement would be essential.

Currently im working with Github Projects as Taskboard, so it would be nice to create Tasks from a ticket in the system or in github via integration.

Does anyone know something like this? It should be kinda simple, nothing big

Thanks everyone!

Be honest: Are you doing SelfHosting just for the sake of it - or do you have apps, that really improve your daily life?
  • For me its like:

    Im using a service and I like it. I exceed some limit. I have to pay. No *free* (hosted) alternative. Looking for a selfhosted alternative.

    I currently only hosting, Listmonk, Some Scrum Planning Poker, Authentik and self programmed software.
