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Brazil judge withdraws $3.3 million from Musk's Starlink and X to pay for social media fines
  • It only got to $3M because the fine increased daily. It started at zero and all he needed to do was follow the court's orders to suspend accounts from users that were breaking the law.

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    Brazil judge withdraws $3.3 million from Musk's Starlink and X to pay for social media fines
  • About the claims that X and Starlink are separate entities and one shouldn't be affected by the other: it has since been revealed that it was Starlink who paid the salaries of X's employees.

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    What is your favorite web browser? (Windows, MacOS, Linux, etc.)
  • I use Vivaldi as well but every time I update it I need to change one of it's internal JS files to remove one UI restriction that annoys me: I use two vertical tab bars, one for showing all the tab groups and another for showing the tabs inside the selected group. For some reason Vivaldi limits the width of the two sidebar (combined) to 330px, which is too small for my tastes.

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    Copyright 1999
  • Either way these days it is very unlikely that the first result will have anything useful on it unless you're just searching for some basic information like a celebrity's age or stuff like that.

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    Peter Molyneux thinks generative AI is the future of games, all but guaranteeing that it won't be
  • I mean, if someone creates a game with all the options there and you just use AI as a replacement for a complex UI, it could kinda work. A game like scribblenauts could theorically implement an AI based stage creation option with the current tech already. The problem with that is that the AI wouldn't be able to guarantee that the stage has a proper challenge level (or even that is possible to complete it), so it would also need to implement an AI that tries to beat the level as well and then keep iterating over the two until a proper stage is found.

    In short: doable, for very niche cases and probably taking a very long time to complete a prompt (possibly hours).

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    Loving USA Culture
  • Sometimes a term loses its intended meaning when it is misused enough. I myself have been accused of cultural appropriation before for creating a character of another culture in a video-game I was developing. Any time I see anyone being accused of it on the internet is also something similar.

    I agree that actual cultural appropriation is bad, but the term has been misused so much that it is more often associated with simply consuming cultures that you've not inherited.

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    Loving USA Culture
  • Brazil actually merged the freed slaves into society because people at the time thought that over several generations, everybody would end up being white again. In a different way they were also trying to suppress them.

    As for the indigenous population, before Portugal arrived here there was one large tribe already dominating all the others. The Portuguese then negotiated with that large tribe and that one tribe's culture managed to survive, but the colonizers also had no respect for it or any of the others and grouped them all together as if being the same thing. The other cultures ended up being either absorbed or erased by that larger tribe.

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    question, When were programmers supposed to be obsolete?
  • If a tool were created that properly converted an UML diagram into a project without any need for code, all the programmers that lost their job to this tool would then be hired by the company that offered it, in order to give maintenance and support to everything the customers want in their programs.

    It would be removing programmers from they payroll of some companies but they would still be working for them, just further down in the chain.

    The same is true for AI. If AI could completely replace programmers in some area, it would need a lot of programmers itself to keep dealing with all the edge cases that would show up from being used everywhere that a programmer was needed before.

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    Loving USA Culture
  • Tbf America is nearly equivalent in size to the full West Europe and the culture difference between east and west coast of America is much smaller than the difference in culture between different European countries. With each country focusing on their own culture there, none of them will ever grow to the size of Hollywood. And with the smaller size, they have less content and less opportunities to captivate people from other places as well. It's a full circle.

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    Loving USA Culture
  • The concept of cultural appropriation annoys me so much. Everywhere outside America people tend to love when their culture is appreciated by others that are not part of it.

    It's one thing when such culture was created as a safe space for a certain demographic that couldn't be part of stuff from other cultures before - it's understandable that they would hate to see that thing they created for themselves be taken over by the same people that kept them from other things before.

    But then at some point someone claimed that participating in things from other cultures at all is bad and all the american whites who consider themselves allies thought "well it's not really my place to say anything to oppose this" so instead they parroted that sentiment, not realizing it was also not their place to say anything to enforce that. In the end, we once again have the whites overriding the opinions of folks from other cultures - this time in a desparare effort to defend them (from something they see no need to be defended from).

    Just look at what happened to Speedy Gonzales in Mexico for a good example of this.

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    In Leak, Facebook Partner Brags About Listening to Your Phone’s Microphone to Serve Ads for Stuff You Mention
  • I believed they maybe weren't listening because those cases that people claim as "proof" of listening can usually be explained in other ways as well. People tend to assume they were listening because its the easier explanation but with the amount of data that Meta has, they can easily lead people into thinking about things by showing specific posts on the Facebook timeline and also predict to some extent what people may end up talking about based on things like how many times you replay a certain video and how long did you keep certain posts in focus on the screen and that sort of stuff that people often don't realize is also data for them.

    Still, I would never put my hand on fire for them and never completely discarded the possibility of them listening.

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    Loving USA Culture
  • That kinda makes sense. At the same time, Brazil is just as young as USA but we have a ton of "old-ish" culture here. The beliefs and stories of the native population merged in with the ones from several incoming cultures and it's now hard to really separate them, as some are much older than the country itself but are clearly inspired by stories from the old world as well. Some mythical creatures that are good examples of this: Saci, Curupira and the Headless Mule.

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    In Leak, Facebook Partner Brags About Listening to Your Phone’s Microphone to Serve Ads for Stuff You Mention
  • Well we always accused Meta of listening. If it was their partners, they technically weren't lying when they said they weren't. "we don't need to listen to you" was technically correct too, it just missed one word: "we don't need to listen to you ourselves"

  • Anything exciting going on in your field of work this year? Or breakthroughs in science, new technologies developed, things like that.


    Some news that would be completely mundane today but scary or shocking in the past.
