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Introducing Proton Wallet – a safer way to hold Bitcoin
  • Sorry, I understand why a company would want to capitalize on the crypto bubble if it was 2022, but I meant this more as an existential "whyyyyy" but didn't have the energy for that.

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    BP Advert in the Financial Times
  • You could look at this and see it as pandering, which it is, but I also take it as a decent sign that they have to at least pay lip service to renewables since fossil fuels have become a significant liability in many eyes.

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    Lmao this one hurts
  • Yeah, individuals make decisions within the structures that exist around them. Asking people to heroically sacrifice their own financial or career opportunities as opposed to changing those structures just won't succeed.

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    How China Pulled So Far Ahead on Industrial Policy
  • They actually had an industrial policy for the last forty years, unlike the United States or Europe, which both abdicated their interests to those of giant corporations whose only goals are reducing costs and increasing profits.

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    France and Germany to develop next-generation battle tank equipped with artificial intelligence and laser technology, billed as a game changer in modern warfare
  • Yeah, tanks have mostly been big juicy targets in Ukraine so far. I guess if you had complete air superiority you could defend them better against drones but it seems like a losing battle to try and gain that kind of completely clear sky when a four man team can put up a UAV and detrack a tank at any point within a few km
