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U.S. Faces Second-Worst Year On Record For Mass Shootings—Nearly 650 Incidents
  • "mass shooting" usually means one shooter and multiple people hit. So a drunk, mad guy at a party who pulls out a gun and shoots 3 people will count towards the number but probably not make it past local news. Not every mass shooting is a school shooting or terrorist attack, but those get the most attention.

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    A Political Candidate Beheaded a Satanic Temple Statue. Now He Faces Charges.
  • In their minds, this is loving your enemy. Because Christians are right and everyone else is wrong. So forcing your beliefs on people is a good thing because you're saving their souls.

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    All lives rule
  • You're giving these guys too much credit. They don't follow the news or read anything, ever. This is the same coworker who, when a hasidic Jewish person walked into our shop, said "I thought Amish couldn't work with electricity" and was 100% genuine.

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    All lives rule
  • Tbf my way of thinking is probably based off my environment. I live in a liberal area but work in a conservative work environment, so all the conservatives I know don't have Trump flags, stickers, spout antivax shit, etc. but all the liberals I know feel more empowered.

    But as far as the political parties themselves go, I agree. Neither side is doing anything to address the class divide, which would help nearly everyone.

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    All lives rule
  • I mean, this made up person definitely sounds difficult to deal with. But this is getting into qanon territory basically, and I don't think the vast majority of conservatives are like that. Plus I believe you can have open discussions and say "I disagree with that entirely" without adding "and you're a bigot" at the end. It's also easier in real life to tell if someone is genuinely hateful or their heart is in the right place but they're a bit of a moron.

    My whole gripe with overly-progressives is that they'll completely write someone off as evil for not being progressive enough. It seems you're assuming I'd never speak up against genuine racism, when originally my point was "it's annoying when people tell you saying 'marijuana' or 'mailman' is racist and transphobic.

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    All lives rule
  • Depends on context. If someone is saying "wow I hate all gays and hope they're put in extermination camps" then sure I'd speak up and tell them they're a piece of shit. If someone says "I think gays should have equal rights but personally I think it's wrong" then I'd shrug it off. I think there's a line between outright hatred and ignorance/cultural/religious-norms that people ignore too much. Qanon type people are too far gone, but the others I think could change, and immediately shutting them down as racists or homophobes doesn't help sway them.

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    All lives rule
  • For me at least, it's more of "conservatives are crazy, conspiracy-led, bigots but liberals are annoying." and this of course only applies to the most outspoken of both sides.

    I know plenty of people who vote republican, that are decent people (not antivax, not racist, not homophobic), but are either religious or gun nuts. Hell, I have a coworker that agrees with 95% of democratic policies but will never vote for them because they'll "take his guns." Do I think they're dumb, sure. Do I think they're evil, no?

    Liberals I see like vegans. The core messaging is right, but the preachier you get, the more people are going to dislike you, even if they agree with you on principle. Even though I've voted democrat in every election, I couldn't help but roll my eyes when someone told me I should stop using the word "marijuana" because it's racist.

    I don't really want to hang out with qanon, racist types or people where I have to be careful of saying "mailman" instead of "mail carrier". Obviously if I had to choose, it'd be the latter, but I don't have to choose because 80% of people aren't that politically motivated every second of their day.

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    GOP Melts Down As Dick Durbin Uses Their Tactics For Advancing Biden Judges
  • Same, actually. He's the only office I've gotten a response from that shows my letter was actually read. Everyone else just sends the generic canned reply back.

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    Why do many microwave ovens hum in an interval of a minor 7th?
  • There is a fan running and then the actual microwave itself. If you lower the power setting, you can hear the fan stay on consistently but hear the microwave shut off and on. If the power is at 100%, the microwave runs the entire time.

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    Another wonderful cookie dipping
  • This might be alright. In my younger days I'd dip rice krispie treats in nacho cheese and it was actually a good savory/sweet combo.

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    British food
  • Mostly in pubs, but I did try a few places. Carvery buffet, a few different full English breakfast places. Those are the things I'd chalk up to bland but not bad. Brits truly do use less seasoning from what I could tell. Even the takeaway I tried was pretty boring, and all you have to do is fry and salt that stuff.

    I don't think your comparison of fast food vs. fine dining is fair. In the US, and the few other countries I've been, "pub food" or family style restaurants are usually always good. They're not high quality but still tasty. I've only been to 7 countries so I'm not super well traveled, but the UK is the only place I've been where I consistently didn't enjoy the food. I can only remember one meal in Serbia I didn't enjoy.

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    British food
  • It's a meat cutlet battered and deep fried, covered in bechemel sauce and cheese. Common in the Teesside area.

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    British food
  • I thought this was just a meme until I went there earlier this year. The food ranges from bad to bland.

    The only legitimately delicious British food I had was a parmo. They got one thing right. I'd eat that every day.
