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6 mo. ago
  • I have really sensitive molars as in nearly all of them have at least 1 chip. I have been using sensitive toothpaste since high school. When I stopped for more than a day my teeth would ache pretty severely. If I had a drink that was acidic my teeth would hurt to even brush. I switched to NHA toothpaste over a year ago and I can take breaks while traveling with no issues and have acidic drinks with no pain. I still use a fluoride mouthwash 5 minutes after brushing like I normally did just to cover all my bases.

    It works amazing in my case and it’s well worth the price increase for me from my old brand.

  • I have been using Jellyfin for over a year and have never seen this. I’ll have to look later! What client do you use?

  • It’s a TikTok-like from the creator of Pixelfed (Instagram-like). It’s in beta right now. There are a few communities on Lemmy that are dedicated to sharing the content from it.

  • Searching for any information regarding Loops is great way to show off the importance of SEO

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  • That’s the one I am thinking of yeah! Was it just a case of dog water optimization?

  • That would be nice! Hopefully I would be easy for devs to do both.

  • Unfortunately games have been struggling on the Switch’s hardware for a couple years. There were a few parts of the newest Pokémon game that felt like a slideshow presentation.

  • well at least they won't get any money for it