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Kansallinen E-kirjasto avautuu tänään
  • No kyllä se DRM esimerkiksi ennen kirjastojen käyttämän Ellibsin kanssa on toiminut jo vuosia. Ne oli epubeja mitä sieltä sai ulos.

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    People that lived in walk up apartments *with no elevator*, did you like it?
  • Being 80 wouldn't explain it. My 80+ aunt with severe arthritis (as in having had multiple surgeries on her feet and hands) managed two stairs up and down several times a day with no complaints. She considered it good excercise and saw it as one thing that keept her on her feet.

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    People that lived in walk up apartments *with no elevator*, did you like it?
  • Exactly how much groceries do people have? I currently live two stairs up from the ground floor as I have lived for more than 15 years. It has honestly never even crossed my mind that carrying up groceries could ever be a problem.

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    This porcelain throne
  • Well, in the Netherlands they also have toilet paper with pictures of puppies on it. So once you're done sharting on a cockatoo, you can wipe your ass on puppies.

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    FBI obtains database while executing warrant on administrator
  • Why the would the FBI have anything to to with protests in France? FBI has no business doing anything in France. France is in no way under U.S. jurisdiction.

  • Never owned a Spectrum before. As a teenager I had Commodore 64, like pretty much all my friends. This one boots and works, but as of now I have no way of loading programs. I think I need a DivMMC or something.
