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What was the conversation surrounding drugs and sex like in your home growing up?
  • I was born in the 80s. Mom was a teacher, Dad worked in IT.

    Both conversations were not especially made out to be a... ok listen carefully we're going to talk about this now. They were not made out to be a big deal, just happened naturally.

    It was part of everyday life, if the subject arised it was not ignored, we were kept up to date on news and when we hadl questions about any subject, we always had an answer, we were encouraged to think critically about subjects being politics, sex or drugs, didn't matter.

    At the time my country was going through a very serious drug crisis, so it was impossible to ignore.

    Fortunately the decriminalisation of all drugs lowered the drug problem significantly, but I was in college at that point.

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    including death
  • In our country that kind of medication doesn't get ads.

    Only stuff like aspirin, paracetamol and cough drops get to make ads.

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    I am the only woman in a group text with 8 guy friends in a professional program - I would really appreciate your thoughts on this and why: is this acceptable/not a big deal? Weird? Scandalous?
  • It seems absolutely exhausting to live inside your head.

    If you're in your teens, I get it, you're still developing, you'll get over it... But if you're an adult... Oh boy... Please talk to a therapist about all this, you need to vent.

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    Cat ownership in Europe
  • Cats per capita would be a very different map in the east, like Greece and Turkey. They have a lot of street cats that are taken care of by the neighborhood.

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    (Does this fit here?)
  • I'm an atheist but saying things like oh my god or calling for Christ or his mother is so ingrained in my mother language that it's just a meaningless jerk reflex sound... Like saying ow, or sneezing...

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    There’s too much E. coli in the Seine for athletes to swim in it
  • Unreasonable if not done in time. Paris still has century old sewage pipes running to the river. That could have been solved but it needs years.

    Meanwhile in Portugal after investments in water treatment plants all along the Tagus you are starting to see dolphins show up on the river near Lisbon.

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    Death Valley heat melts skin off a man's feet after he lost his flip-flops in the dunes
  • True, I worked with travel insurance for a while in Euorpe. It's still advised to get better coverage ones when going to North America, even several travel insurances, as the top amount in the cheapest ones will not be enough to even open an American hospital door.

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    What are some of the things you haven't eaten in so long they basically don't even register as edible any more?
  • My country would be one of those places unfortunately. It's extremely animal protein centric. And although I'm not a vegetarian myself, I really wish we had more options around here.

  • Not sure if I can explain this well but a lot of YouTube videos nowadays start with a small clip of the video itself. Does anyone know why this trend started? Is it an algorithm strategy?

    Maybe most people like it, but it's It's very off putting for me and I find myself having to skip most intros.
