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Erstarken der AfD: Alles ganz furchtbar
  • Schlimmer geht immer, ein Motto dass sich bei mir über die letzten Monate bildet. Tolles Beispiel für schlimmer ist das US-Amerikanische Fernsehen.

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    What is the oldest (optional) element of your daily routine?
  • I think there might be an objectively true answer for most (all?) here: wake up.

    There might be some all nighters, but besides that, every day for almost everyone starts with waking up, which is also arguably an important part of the daily routine.

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    Oopsie, Visual Studio License expired, so the build server stopped working
  • Are you talking licenses or certificates? Because if certificates are not automated that's not a problem with certificates but with administration.

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  • You guys must have better hours than me.

    Usually 09:00 to 17:30, 40 hour week. (30 minutes break). In addition, my commute is 1:30h one way.

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    Paid SSL vs Letsencrypt
  • In that case, i recommend step-ca, which is a certificate authority server with acme support anyone can self host. The setup took a while but it's been running for months now without problems for me.

  • Erklärung: Wie Ranzlite schon sagt: Ich missbrauche das Wort Verbrechen (Straftat) und mache daraus ein Verb-Rechen. Der Typ Recht mit seinem Rechen Verben auf dem Boden zusammen.
