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Laura Loomer’s latest brag is probably sending team Trump into a panic
  • Remember like five years ago when some loudmouth idiot got banned from every ridesharing app for complaining on twitter that there weren't any white drivers in New York?

    Pretty sure that was her.

    Then she chained herself to twitter hq when they blocked her account. She only blocked one door, so her protest didn't work. Then she pissed herself, and the cops had to cut her free.

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    Finish the heart
  • He would sing a song about fishie.

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    FBI flagged as 'major government contractor' questions why Harris isn't being assassinated
  • Well he doesn't take high speed rail. I know that much.

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    People who were raised omnivorous but became vegan later in life, what are some alternatives you wish you discovered before you ever even went vegan?
  • Do you remember Veat? It was a fake chicken breast molded into a little chicken shaped tray, and it was incredible. I don't think I saw it after 2003, but it was one of the first truly delicious meat substitutes. Besides riblets and corndogs.

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    Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum - torture and execution center established by the Khmer Rouge, now a museum
  • Number of inmates: 18,145 prisoners, probably more

    Killed: 18,133

    Every statistic about the Cambodian Genocide is staggering.

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    Trump rejects second Harris debate
  • I didn't! You're lying!

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    Trump rejects second Harris debate
  • Schadenfreude isn't my typical genre, but I could watch a debate a week til the election.

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    ELI5 How come it seems now the old wise tale of Vietnamese eating pets and now its immigrants into the USA?
  • Because racism is learned. It's the same tired tropes they heard from their parents. Today's racists are racist against Central American and Caribbean immigrants. Twenty years ago it was the Middle East. In the 1970s it was southeast Asians. Before that were... everybody else. This is America. There's always some new cultural group to demonize.

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    Former Democrat turns Republican: Kamala Harris 'did nothing to change the schools' in California
  • Romero said Harris was attempting to "pass a bill that looked to jail mothers of students who were truant and not going to school."

    It's the same flimsy argument. It's just lazy and short sighted.

    I wish the detractors would spend as much time wading through Trump's ever-growing list of failures, but all they do is drink the $99 Trump branded Kool aid and complain about a mostly popular Attorney General's tenure in a state they'll never visit.

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    Another cactus/succulent event, and I bought too many again :)
  • Aeonium aureum. I saw it listed as Greenovia dodrentalis on instagram today and thought it was AI before doing a deep dive into aeonium spp.

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    Leonarda Cianciulli - butcher, baker, soapmaker
  • The cakes, too, were better: that woman was really sweet.

    I have a hard time differentiating between creepy and morbid. But the little cakes absolutely won me over.

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    Maman (sculpture) - giant dang 30 foot spider
  • This was my attempt at creepy brain bleach after my last post. Still, I wouldn't want to meet it unprepared.

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    Alien hand syndrome- a hand with a mind of its own
  • "Dr. Strangelove syndrome" was suggested as the official name for AHS. This was not approved, though it is sometimes used as an alternative name.

    I just watched it again. I'm never not impressed with Peter Sellers all over this movie.

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    Coffin birth- what it says on the box
  • Baby blue whales are 22-24 feet long and weigh around 6,000 pounds when they are born.

    Up to Hummer size, in the case of a blue whale.

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    How Trump was 'orange-pilled' by three bitcoiners in Puerto Rico and the promise of $100 million
  • He's the king of the quick cash injection. He's that last little turd that won't flush, no matter how many frauds and bankruptcies and treasons and sexual assaults he's perpetrated and I Do Not Understand.

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    Autocorrect Rule
  • Women are the most important thing to do in the world.
