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Human rights
  • I think they mean it's spreading fecal matter all around from the butthole outward, not spraying with poop water. I'm a guy. I find it ricochets, hitting the backside of my scrotum at times. I figure if you let it go long enough, it's bound to wash the particles off, but can you be sure?

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    Migrants, real and imagined, grip US voters, 1,500 miles north of border
  • How many? All, or should you be selective? People with contagious diseases? People with criminal histories? Etc, etc. The issue is controlled immigration with safeguards against those, or open borders with no control?

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    Study reveals "widespread, bipartisan aversion" to neighbors owning AR-15 rifles
  • This is a more of a study on the public's opinion of this model gun. It gets a bad rap in media, so people who don't know anything else about it don't want anything to do with it.

    Until they need somebody with one...

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    Medical freedom vs. public health: Should fluoride be in our drinking water?
  • As we've seen in the last few years, you can find experts to say whatever you need. That'll have a longer lasting effect on the public's psyche than anything.

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    Congress voted against funding a cure for cancer just to block a win for Biden
  • Nope, Joe is very, very close to finishing the cure and just needs a little help from Congress to finalize it. But noooo, those dastardly Republicans don't want him to give us this cure. It's all their fault.

    Oh, and remember to vote blue no matter who .
