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They don’t think it be like it is, but it do!
  • a= "birds are dinos"

    b= "dinos are reptiles"

    c= "birds are reptiles"

    Structure: If a then b, therefore c

    a does not imply b without an additional statement (which we can assume from the rest would be "because birds are reptiles")

    You've basically just said birds are reptiles because birds are reptiles

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    They don’t think it be like it is, but it do!
  • I think they were pointing out the structural issue with your statement. They info you are attempting to convey is correct. Your ability to do so is questionable.

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    New Jersey gamer flew to Florida and beat fellow player with hammer, say police
  • It's not just the psycho assholes looking for people to hammer. It's hard to want to engage with voice chat when the general public has no fucking concept of mic discipline. Nobody wants to hear the conversations happening around you. They don't want to hear you eating. They certainly don't want to hear your background music. Use push to talk.

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    Trump vows to ‘drill, baby, drill’ despite rally attendees wilting in extreme heat | Supporters hospitalized following rallies in Las Vegas and Phoenix, where temperatures have broken records
  • So I took a browse through your comment history out of idle curiosity. You're an "um actually" concern troll that just looks for things to argue about. It's pretty obvious you don't actually care. Maybe you shouldn't feel satisfaction with being a contrarian assbag for entertainment.

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    That special milk
  • I'm pretty sure cow is the species common name and bull/heffer are the sex variant terms.

    You know, like how a rooster and a hen are both still chickens?

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    What was Capcom thinking?
  • The fuckers already raised the price to "compete with inflation". I might have been able to accept that by itself, but with this shit added in? It really reveals their intent.

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    What was Capcom thinking?
  • The worst part of it is that those same assholes that insisted on micro transactions will blame every other aspect of the game before admitting that it did poorly on release because of the blatant money grabbing.

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    My plan is to crumble with it.
  • I'm in my 30s, and pretty much just work and go home. I've got no hobbies outside the house and have never bothered pursuing a relationship. No chance in hell I'm making it to retirement age. I figure the stress of my lifestyle will grind away at my will to live and I'll just stop eating at some point.

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    And that's how I met your mother
  • Kinda sucks when you don't drink though. Best advice I've heard was to take up a social hobby, but I haven't a clue what that would be either.

    Like you said, find an excuse to leave your house I guess.

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  • None of this has a point. We're talking over a shitpost rant about common use of math symbols. Even the conclusion boils down to it being a context dependent matter of preference. I'm just disagreeing that the original question as posed should be interpreted with weak juxtaposition.
