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Bad-faith coverage of trans issues — who does it serve?
  • Everyone fighting for their rights who isn’t a cishet dude deals with some degree of this. Where do you think the idea that feminism is more than wanting equality came from? To be clear, it’s a bigger risk to trans people right now because more people think it’s ok to unalive you all on sight, but this is an old and widespread tactic in defense of cisheteropatriarchy.

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    Younger people more likely to doubt merits of democracy – global poll
  • In the US, at least, people have been trained to see democracy and capitalism as inseparable. People see the system failing because of corruption and greed, and blame democracy instead of capitalism. It’s a great system for capitalists. Everyone else, not so much.

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    Mexico’s Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion nationwide
  • The Senate not being population-based is part of the problem too. As are gerrymandering and not having universal adult suffrage or federal holidays for voting days. But a Constitutional Convention would be state-based, too, so we’d end up with something even worse than we have now.

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    Prominent "free-speech absolutist" threatens to sue Jewish anti-hate group because it engaged in free speech he didn't like.
  • As someone who has extensive personal experience with severe mental illness, I appreciate very much your desire to defend us (your instinct would usually be right), but psychopathy is a weird one. If the previous commenter had said “mental illness” instead of psychopathy specifically, I’d be pissed. But there is evidence that psychopaths advance in business management. I realize it’s not exactly JAMA, but here:

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    Army officers say they are taking power in Gabon
  • Might have something to do with the slavery, imperialism, and genocide. Or the fact that French Canadians are primarily of French descent. It’s simply not comparable. Also, while people say French Canadian to describe an ethnicity and culture (again, one primarily made up of French immigrants), I’ve never heard someone call Quebec French Canada in seriousness.

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    Australia's first female PM has perfect response to tired anti-trans question
  • Except how often do you hear about radical feminists who aren’t TERFs anywhere in mainstream discourse? For much of the population, TERFs are the only “radical feminists” they hear about. (I reject the idea that a belief that biology is destiny as compatible with feminism in any case.). It’s not so much people in this community I worry about getting the wrong idea, it’s everywhere else.

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    Hookworms successfully prevent type 2 diabetes in human trial
  • Ok, then in certain circumstances your disgust response that directly contradicts the evidence may result in a lower chance of your survival. Your body, your call. I wholeheartedly support your right to refuse care. I, however, am rather fond of living and will use whatever medical intervention works best.

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    Australia's first female PM has perfect response to tired anti-trans question
  • As a trans-inclusive radical feminist sick of radical feminism being tainted by their bullshit, I strongly disagree. Let them pick a new name showing how far they’ve strayed from the feminist ideal that biology shouldn’t determine destiny.

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    Army officers say they are taking power in Gabon
  • It may be Francophone, but it’s as fucked up to call this “French Africa” as it would be to call India/Pakistan/Bangladesh “British India.”

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • In the US, non-authoritarian leftists use it pretty often to mock the weird obsession of our right wing with the specter of communism. Most of the country thinks there’s no such thing as non-authoritarian leftism, so frankly, outside Eastern European neighborhoods, it makes no difference at all.

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    Hookworms successfully prevent type 2 diabetes in human trial
  • Leeches are still used, and are very effective in some cases. It’s ok to be grossed out by medicine. That doesn’t mean it’s outdated or shouldn’t exist.
