Skip Navigation My dead father is “writing” me notes again

A recent AI discovery resurrected my late father's handwriting—and I want anyone to use it.

Well, the big Harris-Walz interview was a bit evasive
  • Thanks for the explanation and apology. No harm done ... using the second person when talking about contentious issues can be pretty fraught, so I just wanted to let you know how I received it.

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    Well, the big Harris-Walz interview was a bit evasive
  • To your last point, you're dead wrong. I'm not whipped into anything, but thanks for the personal attack (not just on me, but on the gestures broadly "y'all") with zero basis. That's not Beehaw etiquette.

    I'm far to the left of the current U.S. Overton window, so being cast as aligned with neoliberalism is laughable. As far as I can tell, your argument is that everyone for whom Gaza isn't their only deciding factor in a U.S. election supports genocide. That's certainly an opinion.

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    Well, the big Harris-Walz interview was a bit evasive
  • If you don't care about any dead child above 17,000, you've made a fine argument. But now you're saying more deaths is fine (and better than current policy) because you've reached some tipping point where more suffering and death is actually preferable to ... what? A Democrat in the White House? Your logic doesn't work within your own argument.

    This is very common among single-issue voters. As another example: abortion. Plenty of people who think Trump is heinous vote for him based on that issue alone (something the GOP has been using to great effect for the past 30 years), and accept whatever else his cronies get him to enact because they perceive him as "wanting to get rid of abortion."

    If your think the suffering of Palestinians is the greatest domestic issue facing the U.S., dwarfing all others combined, by all means let it guide your choice. But don't complain about the internment camps that start getting built if Trump wins when you found everything else in this election irrelevant.

    Six hundred Nader votes in Florida going to Gore instead 24 years ago would have put this country on a very different trajectory, so it is not hyperbole that staying home or voting for the other guy can result in an even worse outcome.

  • I was assuming this was a retirement announcement from the editor.

    Sadly, not the case. The site has ceased publication as of this story, though content and the forum will remain up for an indeterminate amount of time.

    It launched in 1997, the same year I wrote my first HTML, having started college and suddenly having access to hosting.

    It sucks to see a pub that has adhered to its goals for the most part (we all make mistakes) for 27 years get shut down by a corporate owner.

    Well, the big Harris-Walz interview was a bit evasive
  • And that's as clear as she got the whole time. As least she was answering the question asked in that case.

    (As to single-issue Gaza voters, I get it in the "had a close friend who was Palestinian in my 20s" sense, but Trump doesn't give a shit about the Palestinians. Somehow suggesting she's the worse choice in this race on that issue alone isn't even true, regardless of the larger picture. That's not politics or conjecture.)

  • I wasn't expecting anything Earth-shattering coming out of this given that everyone at Fox News was salivating for fresh meat. Problem is, not having a straight answer for anything now becomes the narrative.

    This was not a great look for either of them (as little time as Walz got).

    If you haven't seen it, links below:

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    36 404 Media Shows Online Journalism Can Be Profitable When You Remove Overpaid, Fail-Upward Brunchlords From The Equation

    There was a long period where journalists writing about failing media ventures loved to imply that these collapses meant online journalism was no longer profitable. In reality, the industry had sim…

    Interestingly, also the only thing consultants won't try.

    1 Chatbots offer cops the “ultimate out” to spin police reports, expert says

    Experts warn chatbots writing police reports can make serious errors.

    Here's a great example of dystopian tech being rolled out without guardrails. Brought to you by Axos, which you may know as the company that rebranded after Taser became a liability as a name.

    New nanogenerators offer 140x power density, could replace solar cells
  • You have to admit, making them self-replicating would be pretty cool ... for a time.

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    B.C. bans cellphone use in schools, prohibits protests
  • I'm sorry, but this whole "it's unfair to deny kids the use of personal technology in class" is darkly hilarious to me. I did, in fact, try coding on my TI-85 in English class because I was bored, and it was immediately taken. Why is a phone more acceptable?

    It wouldn't have been taken if left in my backpack, so any "well, what about an emergency?" arguments are disingenuous. Put your phone on silent; refrain from using it. This is not phone time. In an emergency, parents calling the school was effective with primitive '90s technology. Surely, they can still do that now.

    Excuse me; I need to go yell at a cloud.

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    How anti-trans policies in Project 2025 could impact all families in the U.S.
  • The error in this hed is using "could" sted "will." Target a subset of the population, everyone is affected -- and pretty much everyone I know is part of a family.

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    New nanogenerators offer 140x power density, could replace solar cells
  • So long as one gets off the couch! 🤣

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    New nanogenerators offer 140x power density, could replace solar cells
  • It's an apples-to-oranges comparison. The idea here is replacing solar usage with kinetic energy in certain applications so fewer devices need an external power source and therefore wiring. It would also reduce grid use (by a minuscule amount), but I'm assuming the solar comparison is solely because both produce a DC current.

  • New nanogenerators offer 140x power density, could replace solar cells

    University of Surrey's ATI unveils new nanogenerators with a 140-fold power density boost, potentially rivaling solar cells.

    15 Climate change feedbacks lead to surge in natural methane emissions

    Attempts to cut greenhouse gases made tougher by increased emissions.

    Surprising absolutely no one ...

    0 Harris and Walz to sit for first interview of campaign

    Vice-President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz will be interviewed by CNN on Thursday in Georgia.

    2 Trump special counsel files new election interference indictment

    The charges are in response to a Supreme Court ruling that presidents enjoy broad immunity for official acts.

    Reporting on court proceedings is not politics. Please restrict comments to the news aspects of this story in this community; we're all aware he's primarily running to stay out of prison, but that is not this story. /soapbox

    1 Lionsgate Marketing Consultant Built Movie Trailer Filled With AI Generated Fake Movie Reviews Of Old Films

    I’ll admit, when I’ve been able to witness some of the fuckery around the use of artificial intelligence in stupid ways, some part of me has always gotten some amusement at those being …

    I did see this trailer or at least part of it somehow and thought they were joke quotes. The ChatGPT connection isn't really the issue here, it's fucking lorem ipsum in production (that's why it's used; this is what inevitably happens otherwise). They don't have an AI problem; they have a process problem if there's no editing or at least fact checking vendor collateral before it goes live.


    I've never actually seen one of Trump's sales ads. I'm speechless for a number of reasons. How big is that dude's jacket? Somehow, the second one is even worse.

    Clips of the first NFT "issuance" made it to late night, but this is some next-level cult shit. Unless I'm misunderstanding, $7,500 gets you invited to no-expenses-paid visit to Mar-A-Lago, where I'm sure you'll be expected to pay for dinner, for the chance to shake his hand and be scammed yet again? Is this what's being sold?

    I share this because it's rather eye-opening what he thinks enough people will fall for to be worth it for a handsome profit. There's not much need to watch the analysis after the second ad, but if, like, me you are too stunned to form your own coherent thoughts, it helps on the come down back to reality.

    0 Swiss chocolate: Swiss scientists cut waste and sugar

    The whole of the cocoa fruit is used in production, rather than just the beans.

    This was a surprising area to see novel approaches being tried, though it doesn't seem to remotely solve the problems around cocoa beans.

    Amazon Sells Fake, Dead Toshiba Hard Drives as New: Detailed Inspection & Proof of Their Scam
  • Oh, the irony that enshittification has led to not trusting online tech firms to sell tech items online.

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    Linux: We need Tiling Desktop Environments
  • This. It's not well-advertised in KDE -- I accidentally discovered it through a key combo -- but it was good enough (i.e., Win 11-level) in KDE 5 to make the switch painless on desktop. Where both have issues is apps insisting there are arbitrary dimensional minimums for functionality and refusing to adhere to positioning. This is most egregious in messaging programs.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • The only surprising data point I'm seeing is that 55% of self-described Trump supporters agree that "[r]eligion should be kept separate from government policies" -- and yet the GOP is running on a platform of establishing a nondemocratic theocracy.

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    Nearly half of Venezuelans are considering leaving the country in the coming months, poll says
  • Thanks for quoting the elephant in the room. We've seen these sorts of polls stateside in 2016, one of which suggested 28% of U.S. residents were considering moving to Canada in the event of a Trump win.

    That happened, but the exodus did not.

  • The Intractable Puzzle of Growth

    For more than a century, the key measure of a healthy economy has been its capacity to grow and yet if production and consumption continues to expand at their current rate we might risk the very health of the planet.

    This is a surprisingly interesting thinkpiece for its length that ultimately arrives at no conclusion, but it's an important discussion to be having while we still can.


    I canceled Amazon Prime last month given that I've lost all trust in getting a functioning version of whatever I've ordered. This is some next-level shit.

    Where to find empty vapes? I want to harvest a battery
  • Is there a particular reason that an 18650 or 21700 would suit your use case less?

  • I'm comparatively old. I was raised in a household that viewed news as the highest calling.

    Net result is I watched, at 5, Geraldine Ferraro's speech at the 1984 DNC. She had far more energy than Mondale, and my takeaway was if I could vote, it would be for her. I told my parents as much, and we had a fucking picture of Thatcher in the office.

    That was my dad's call, as somehow a believer in Reagan. Mom told me we weren't ready yet, but I would see a woman elected president in my lifetime.

    That was 40 years ago. Hillary couldn't get there, but with so much baggage that you want a private jet, scarcely surprising.

    What I see today is not that. I didn't really expect this to be "biracial woman of colour," but we are finally exhausted of Trump's artless self-dealing, and we have zero interest in playing that movie again.

    I've previously expressed not being thrilled with Harris, but she's grown on me.

    This is where we finally get out of the dark ages and recognise that a woman can run the goddamn country. This is different. It's rather crazy to me that no one in my lifetime has run on joy. We keep plumbing the depths of society and wonder how we don't move forward.

    No politician has ever been perfect. I'd argue Biden gets close for seeing the writing on the wall and accepting he can't win again. Giving us this.

    Harris is also not perfect, but she is right for the era.

    I watched her acceptance speech and felt 5 again. With hope for the future.

    What happens past Nov. 5 is going to be interesting, but I think the felon will lose and fight it tooth and nail. He's literally running again to avoid prison. That's not who we are. We cannot reward this.

    There was a post on the local subreddit that Texas is now in play. Holy shit, do you have to fuck up royally to have that be a thing. Florida is in play. North Carolina is in play. Forget all the swing states, we have an election on our hands.

    There's plenty of time before then, and, as someone who ran a newsroom for the first time in 2000, that's worrisome. But if we can finally break out of this pattern, I welcome it.

    We are about to see the U.S. cast off the chains and see the GOP for the cult of personality it is. They have no policy we want. I won't go much past that, as it's clear they're unaware of what "soul searching" looks like.

    But I have hope for the first time since 2008. I hope it's not misplaced.


    I've been watching Tom Nicholas for a bit now, and he gets more and more audacious as he grows his base. This is journalism. Not really a fan of the Tarantino aspect of "but we'll get back to that;" he's nonetheless someone to watch.

    It's thoughtful, insightful and perhaps can offer a wider worldview of how desperate fossil-fuel companies are getting now that it's generally accepted that we are fucked.

    It's an hour and change. Other than the Nebula ad at the end, there's no filler. You probably haven't heard about this act of civil resistance, but you really should.


    This is a battery manufacturer with shoddy QC and that overstates Amp-hour ratings.

    As someone who relies on batteries to survive, this is personally offensive. My entire solar setup is largely thanks to Will Prowse, so when he says to avoid something, I tend to listen. Thankfully, I already have 600Ah of battery that appears to be functioning within normal parameters.

    I'm glad to see Rossmann calling this bullshit out.

    AI Cheating Is Getting Worse
  • I had to find my own way. That's of value.

    If you had a supportive set of teachers, telling you that you can do anything, where's the challenge? I went back to my high school and dutifully waited for the department chair with a rehearsed, belittling speech. When Columbia says you're the best editorial writer in the country at the college level from literally the first one I wrote, teachers tend to not only back the fuck off but also to do this weird thing where they revise history and talk about the promise they saw in me.

    I succeeded despite what I was told. It's possible that I was more inclined to fucking do it right. When I was doing the Aaron Sorkin thing and moving through the newsroom and telling my reporters that their girlfriends are irrelevant on election night, and indeed told one to get the fuck out, I saw the power of my role. This was 24 years ago, and we didn't have the phones we have today.

    There are a lot of people who care deeply about others. Many of us go into journalism. We don't want anyone else to go through what we have. It's difficult, but one win is all one needs to feel like maybe we saved the next generation.

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    AI Cheating Is Getting Worse
  • First off, 10 is an integer square root. Of 100.

    I get where you're coming from on most points and agree overall. However, you're not taking into consideration what secondary schooling looks like before students arrive.

    I was told by multiple English teachers (including the head of the department) that I was a math student and should never attempt to write because I saw through the regurgitation assignments, didn't agree with teacher assessments of what Dickens "was trying to do" and had zero interest in confirming their biases.

    I also didn't pursue page design and getting onto my high school paper because the only F I got there was from the advisor who was exceptionally clear that I was not welcome to attempt committing journalism after mocking up yearbook pages and being very unhappy with the results in Aldus PageMaker; there was no support system in place. (Also, our yearbook was shit on every level.)

    That said, I can still write a ternary line of code where it makes sense sted an if-else block.

    College coursework on the whole is a waste of time reinventing wheels. I don't need to spend a couple of weeks working up to "Hello, world!" in C and as such left CS as a major my first quarter at uni.

    For the most part, I've been very lucky with teachers and professors. When I started taking college classes in high school and escaped the absurdity of recitation being "thinking for myself," I learned to love writing because my prof, a Catholic deacon, wanted thesis defense, not what he'd said in lecture. If I was 180 off of his viewpoint but could cite sources, that was an A.

    But teachers do this shit every day, year after year, and we blindly say they're doing important work even as they discourage people from finding their path and voice, because god forbid a 16-year-old challenges someone in their 50s.

  • Walmart's use of digital price tags signal the future of retail shopping, but consumers are worried

    Walmart is leading the charge to replace traditional paper price tags with electronic shelf labels (ESLs) by 2026. The retailer aims to introduce the technology in 2,300...

    MDMA for PTSD: Three studies retracted on heels of FDA rejection
  • I recall seeing that the therapeutic dose was pretty close to if not the same as recreational, which would be 100 mg.

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    MDMA for PTSD: Three studies retracted on heels of FDA rejection
  • I'm baffled. At no point did I say the denial was the wrong decision. The best MAPS can do here is start over again at Phase III but this time figure out solutions to the fatal flaws that sank the application -- and maybe not let anyone get sexually assaulted in the process.

    The biggest hurdle I see is blinding. There's simply no way to know you're not rolling, whether you've done MDMA in the past or not, so placebo is pointless.

  • MDMA for PTSD: Three studies retracted on heels of FDA rejection

    The company behind the therapy says it will appeal the FDA's decision.

    I understand the purpose of appeals and that we rarely hear about things that are not appealed. But I don't think either the FDA or court system are functioning when people and companies go in front of a decision-making body knowing they're going to lose and viewing the ruling as the real starting gun.

    Chrome will block one of its biggest ad blockers
  • I'm (unfortunately for reasons) running Win11 on a Surface Pro 7 with keyboard, and pinch/pull to zoom works fine in Firefox and Vivaldi, which are the only apps I use the feature on. It produces funky behavior in Explorer and usually does nothing elsewhere.

    Is it universally functional in Windows? No. Is it implemented at the OS level? Absolutely.
