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Trump is plain ‘weird’: how Kamala Harris’ meme-fied campaign is leveraging social media and Gen Z culture.
  • I fucking love that they are reminding everyone how weird the Republican Party is. Had to think about it a little to understand, and my take is that it is the uncanny valley of morality.

    What I mean by that: Morality is basically defined by what is good for people. Moral things are good for people. Immoral things are bad for people. Some things have multiple good or bad effects and can be gray with mixed morality.

    The uncanny valley is usually about our recognition of other human faces and bodies. When something appears only slightly, or completely human we accept it. But if something is close to human but perceivably off it disgusts us.

    When the Republican Party—especially Trump, Vance, and the rest of the MAGAites—tell us that immoral things are actually moral it feels WIERD! We believe in democracy and the right to vote, hearing that people without children shouldn’t vote is weird and Vance’s explanation is weird!

    Also with republicans’ constant need to create legitimacy pointing out weirdness cuts where it hurts. Things that are this kind of icky weird do not feel legitimate.

    And if you’re just a regular conservative or Republican person reading this far I do not want to rub your face in this. Not all of their moral talk has been this weird. I recognize that the groups we associate with can be internalized into a piece of our identity, and when those internalized things are attacked it feels like an attack on you personally. That sucks, but we’ve still got to be honest about what’s going on here. I want you to be ok too.

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    Testosterone has changed me
  • Congratulations! That’s awesome it’s being so beneficial to you.

    To be upfront, I’m a straight cis-man, but you reminded me of a clip of a college professor talking about a difference in the amygdala in men and women that’s consistent whether the person is trans or cis. I’d appreciate the thoughts of someone actually experiencing the lifting of this cloud.

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    My table at today's artisan fair in Providence Rhode Island
  • Very nice! I've been working towards making and selling small bags and other cloth goods in the next year. I'm happy with my patterns and the cost and time to produce them. Now I'm figuring out the business side of it and what local merchant events I could do. Got any tips or unexpected hurdles when you started?

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    New to specialty coffee, my setup so far
  • I felt like my Baratza Encore was expensive at the time, but after using it daily for a few years I feel like it was totally worth it. If you can afford nice things, they perform well and last a long time, then get the nice things.

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    Average Lemmy user after the reddit appocalypse
  • There are many reasons to leave. Can I also just say the number of advertisements designed to imitate user submitted content really got under my skin. I'm not even talking about onlyfans accounts posting in various subs, but actual "promoted" advertisements that used common memes or are made to look like someone took a screenshot and reposted it. Not sure how many people noticed these. This kind of deceptive advertising angers me and I blame Reddit as much as the advertiser because they take the money and serve up this garbage.
