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What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?
  • Personally, I can taste the difference in coffee when I have a bag that's opened for over a few weeks, but not sure if it matters how recent the roasting was done.

    Sorry, yeah, this is more what I meant - as long as the coffee is relatively fresh (my house goes through about a bag a week, so it never gets time to sit and go stale) the price doesn't seem to get you a better/worse cup of coffee.
    Of course, my aunt got me an expensive bag of coffee for christmas that apparently makes really good cold brew, so it's sat in the freezer for now waiting for better weather, so I might change my mind in a couple of months. Gonna stick with Lidl own brand beans for now though.

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    What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?
  • Maldon is a sea salt, the extra cost comes from the extraction method rather than adding anything. I don't think it tastes noticeably different, but the large crystals stop it from clumping together and gives you better distribution when sprinkling it over stuff.

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    What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?
  • NGL, I've never had an issue with cheap/expensive coffee at all, as long as it's real coffee rather than instant. I use a pour-over or aeropress rather than machine (or make cold brew), but I've never even had a cheap bag of preground coffee that was bad enough call it worse than an expensive one, rather than a different.

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    What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?
  • as if the metal rod that is my handlebar usually disintegrates once I hit the ludicrous speed of [checks notes] 25kph.

    I would agree but I once dated a girl who somehow snapped a whole-ass bike in half riding into a street sign.

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    What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?
  • This goes for ANY working breed that is actually expected to work at their job in real life. And they cost a LOT of money to buy, train, and maintain.

    TBH it depends on the work - up until the surge in demand from the pandemic, Border Collies were super cheap in the UK because it was mostly farmers selling the extra pups they didn't need. I'd imagine other areas have a local working breed that's similar. That said, they are now more expensive than rescues, and require a particularly high energy lifestyle so aren't suitable pets for most people. Most people just need something kinda friend shaped, which rescues have plenty of.

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    Netanyahu demands media silence concerning Hamas deputy chief's assassination in Lebanon
  • That would be a government enforced media silence - media silence just means people not talking to the media or the media not reporting on a subject, it doesn't require a direct order from the government to the media to not report on something. Media might create a voluntary silence, where they agree not to report on a subject, or might have a silence pushed on them, like football's "silenzio stampa", where teams will refuse to talk to or interact with the press when they're unhappy with reporting.

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    Netanyahu demands media silence concerning Hamas deputy chief's assassination in Lebanon
  • What do you think the difference between "media silence" and "ministers not making statements to the media" is?

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I just add carbonated water to squash. Usually tastes better and doesn't have the slimy mouth feel most soft drinks have.

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    My white PhD racism and poor choices
  • I didn't spend 15 years at Owl university to be disrespected like this

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    China bans export of rare earths processing tech over national security
  • Dutch didn't, not alone, far from that.

    As opposed to the chinese, who are completely alone, all 1.whatever billion of them.

    which are[...]largely self-reliant in the matter

    You just fucking said it required cooperation you dumb cum juggler, now you're saying they failed despite not cooperating?

    I didn't write that they "wouldn't be able to"

    I cannot sufficiently describe how much I hate your stupid reddit tier "um, akshumally I didn't use those exact words therefore you're completely misrepresenting what I said!" You won't shut up about how hard and difficult and borderline impossible it is and you want me to believe you're not trying to say they won't be able to? You're certainly not arguing that they will.

    if China wants to meet the ever growing domestic demand (either military or civil), China need fabs churning chips reliably.

    That's not what commercially viable mean, buddy.

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    China bans export of rare earths processing tech over national security
  • just that it will take a very long time, because the complexity is spread across several very distinct scientific disciplines, integrating them is a challenge of its own (again, watch the videos),

    Dutch managed it, why wouldn't the chinese, with a centrally planned economy that can directly integrate the different disciplines, be able to?

    packaging this into a system that meets the scale and reliability requirements to make it commercially viable hasn't been reproduced to date.

    Communists in shambles - how could anyone fund science for the sake of progress instead of making money?

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    Which are your Top 10 favorite animes?
  • In no particular order:

    • Space Dandy
    • Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann
    • Gravity Falls
    • One Punch Man
    • One Piece
    • Lupin III
    • FLCL
    • Hunter x Hunter
    • King of the Hill
    • Space Dandy
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    Slap a "quantum" on it = Instant flux capacitor
  • The various interpretations help in processing the math, but isn't the same as understanding - there are a bunch of fundamental facts about quantum mechanics that we just don't understand, even though we know the elements exist, that they happen, and even how we can take advantage of them.

    The difference between quantum mechanics and other high level theories like relativity is actually quite large, because the higher level interactions all derive from quantum level states and interactions. At the point where question marks really start popping up (weak and strong nuclear forces, gravity, dark matter &/ energy) it's almost always a matter of quantum mechanics getting involved and being weird.

    My quantum mechanics professor started our first lecture with "if you think you understand quantum mechanics you do not understand quantum mechanics", because there are still some really big question marks around our understanding of it. Especially what in the fuck spin actually is.

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    Slap a "quantum" on it = Instant flux capacitor
  • Not quite - observability in quantum mechanics is about the event producing an interaction that could potentially be measured, regardless of whether we actually attempt to measure it. By interacting with other things the superposition is collapsed and we can determine it's current properties, but it's still the "real" behaviour of things, because we can only determine things behaviours from their interactions with other things - not knowing what they do when left alone isn't just about there not being a human around to interacts with them, but about there not being any other particles - no atoms, no electrons, no quarks - for them to interact with either.

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    I'd prefer to have the unlimited plan
  • I'm slightly joking, but it's a lot less than half. My respect for 5e players took a massive nosedive after I actually played it, so I have run a few oneshots that have started with "oh by the way we're using Pathfinder 2e tonight" because I just told the 5e players we were playing "D&D".

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    I'd prefer to have the unlimited plan
  • NGL if you take out what's left of the resources in 5e you'll reduce the game to exclusively standing in front of the enemy taking turns hitting each other, instead of just mostly.

    The truth is if you want a resourceless game you're gonna have to play a different system, and if you're gonna play a different system you're gonna have to run it. Luckily, it's very easy to get groups for new systems, because you just tell the 5e players it's D&D and they probably won't even notice the rules changed.

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    Landlords for Israel’s Arms Trade Shut Down, LondonMetric’s Mayfair Offices Re-decorated
  • Did anyone else parse the headline as an organisation called "Landlords for Israel's Arms Trade" being shut down, or just me?

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    This is the fun part
  • That was back when I was on Pathfinder, I'm on PF2e now so merchants and chests are included in the system by default.

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    This is the fun part
  • When I switched from Roll20 to Foundry I discovered my players hadn't been recording half the loot I gave them and barely had level 5 equipment at level 10. I had to replace the next pile of loot with 120,000gp worth of character specific magic items to get them appropriately equipped.

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    Scientists discover that less intelligent people voted for Brexit
  • Yeah, the leftist party lines have generally been that the EU is neoliberal and exists to hold back the working class, but then we somehow elected progressively more ghoulish neoliberals until the material reality became one of the EU being one of the only things holding back the further exploitation of the working class. We might have had a chance if Corbyn had purged the leadership when he had the opportunity, but he never would have been allowed to get as far as he did if he was the purging type.
