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What will happen once Ukraine loses the war?
  • Of course they will do this. NATO isn't for losers. If Ukraine wanted in, they needed to win. It's not a pity party for Zelenskyy.

    They did this to their old allies in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. Just threw them to the wolves when they no longer were useful. They don't give a shit. Americans will use you and toss you like a rag.

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    What will happen once Ukraine loses the war?
  • It's not a coincidence that we saw 11% inflation in cost of living at the start of the war. We imported a lot of things from Russia. Without those things, we have to pay more.

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    What will happen once Ukraine loses the war?
  • I wonder if destroying the nordstream pipelines and the cheap natural gas from Russia has any impact on the EU economy and electricity prices, and the resulting de-industrialization? How about the massive unprecedented sanctions on one of the largest resource exporters on Earth? How about the destruction of the grain production center of Europe and the associated infrastructure and ports? This is all not even taking into consideration the global de-dollarization move that is making non-western countries increasingly sovereign and able to resist western neo-colonialism, which increases prices for those in the core as it gets harder to extract from their colonies.

    Oh yeah, and sending several hundred billion dollars to Ukraine to get blown up instead of using that money on domestic development. China could have made a thousand new factories with the money that the west has squandered in Ukraine.

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    What will happen once Ukraine loses the war?
  • The left recently won in Slovakia on an anti-Ukraine war platform. It can be done, we're not doomed to fascism. Western and especially European Leftists need to stop being chauvinist succs and actually oppose the imperialist Ukraine War, then they have a chance of taking power. They're losing their window and the fascists are a couple steps ahead. Come on EU leftists, it's time to get serious. You are in Germany 1935.

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    What will happen once Ukraine loses the war?
  • Improving material conditions at home was not the goal or aim of this war, and nobody expects it to. Everyone knew they would have to tighten their belts to make it through western sanctions, but that was the only way. The only alternative was to not go to war, and suffer even more in the future during 90s 2.0 balkanization boogaloo.

    The west will be in a much worse spot than Russia. Russia will be recently victorious and one of the leaders of the new multipolar world, with its sanctions falling off as the desperate west tries to rebuild its own economy after de-dollarization.

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    It’s time Europe reduced its defense reliance on the US, Czech president says
  • EU/NATO are vassals and part of the same empire as America/UK. Basically, they're all the same side. My point is that if you're against NATO imperialism, this guy isn't who you're looking for. He just wants to be a bit less junior of a partner in the empire.

    Jokes on him and the EU though, they're even more junior than ever before and getting further vassalized and de-industrialized and dependent on the USA.

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    It’s time Europe reduced its defense reliance on the US, Czech president says
  • Yet on the other hand, he says EU should hurry up at expanding and integrate Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and others. He's pro-NATO, he just thinks the EU should have more of the muscle. Either that or he's just entirely full of shit.

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    Can we defederate from
  • They don't just get hidden, they get suppressed and repressed. Their views are less widespread and influential. They are more often ignored by the workings of power and economy. Shove the nazis into a hole and seal it up, good riddance.

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    Jimmy Carter: The U.S. Is an “Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery”
  • It's the Northern Alliance that were the big opium producers, under US occupation. The Taliban actually banned and restricted it both before the invasion and after re-taking power.

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    Five years after killing a journalist in cold blood, Saudi Arabia is stronger than ever
  • If it involves "an oligopoly, a cartel, or a monopoly" then it is not a "free market"

    Markets unregulated tend towards oligopoly, cartels and monopoly over time. Free market is interchangeable with private autocracy.
