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Youtube frontpage in 2023
  • I haven't watched the video. Just from the thumbnail I'm seeing a half-naked woman riding a horse. The message is Muslim women should be properly clothed and remain humble rather than seeking attention. If you're wondering if this also applies to men, it does. "Give it a google if you don't believe me 🤷‍♂️"

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Wouldn't call it cringe. I believe these 10 'commandments' should apply to all people, not just atheists. I can safely post this on a religious community without getting shitted on.

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    ‘Media outlets are erasing Sinead O’Connor’s Muslim identity’
  • Because it has nothing I believe in. It's like trying to prove Islam is wrong using quotes from the Bible. It's something I don't believe in, and Bukhari is something Shias don't believe in.

    I now know that there is no Shiite basis for the argument that Aisha was 9 at her marriages consumnation, and for many other issues. From whatever research I have done, the only sources for their truth is in Sunni Hadith books. I can live easily knowing most of the arguments against Islam repeated by anti-theists aren't an issue for Shias.

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    ‘Media outlets are erasing Sinead O’Connor’s Muslim identity’
  • Quote where it comes from. Not that hellish shit of a book that is Sahih Bukhari. I'm Shia, so I don't buy that. Aisha be writing softcover porn in that book and there are so many contradictions that I am almost calling it a fairytale book.

    A Shia source please.

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    ‘Media outlets are erasing Sinead O’Connor’s Muslim identity’
  • She's vocal against the Catholic Church's history of child abuse. Assuming you're just like all other anti-theists, I would say some amount of her personal beliefs align with yours. Almost hypocritical of you.

    Also, I don't see any "issues" she's having. Only issues people having against her. Not saying she's the best person - she's still kinda shit.

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    NTFS turns 30 years old today! I hear it's still in use by some crufty old legacy operating systems 😁
  • The only reason why I am running Linux and Windows in dual boot is because of Valorant and the Office 365 suite. Otherwise I would already be done with Windows. Linux is just amazing.

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    Student in Mauritania charged with blasphemy over exam paper
  • African countries are known to take religious beliefs to ridiculously unnecessary extremities. I heard an example of a Muslim mother who killed their daughter for being raped, somehow bringing dishonor to their family. Don't let the minority be representative of the majority.

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    Portuguese tourist assaulted by Turkish police, jailed for 20 days for "looking gay"
  • I'm sorry on behalf of those shitty Muslims for what they did to you. Hate towards any group in any form is haram. I don't know what they were thinking when they thought acting like that was ok.

    As for where you're asking where Muslims have been attacked by people of the LGBT+ community, I can't observe a physical event at the time of writing, as I don't have the time to research this. However, I have seen plenty of verbal abuse across the internet by irrational members of the LGBT+ community towards many Muslims.

    To generalise the entire community based off of these morons would be hypocritical of me when I ask you to please not generalise Muslims as people due to the actions of the few with extremist opinions.

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    What's your go-to Android Browser and why?
  • The regular Opera browser also has that feature. My Flow can also be linked between Opera and Opera GX. Sadly, I don't see a similar feature in other browsers.

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    Portuguese tourist assaulted by Turkish police, jailed for 20 days for "looking gay"
  • Mosques will never hoist a rainbow flag. It's a core belief in Islam that homosexuality is wrong. But such a belief should never be used to justify homophobia.

    homophobia /ˌhɒməˈfəʊbɪə,ˌhəʊməˈfəʊbɪə/ noun dislike of or prejudice against gay people

    I'm not homophobic. Just not entirely accepting the idea of homosexuality. Doesn't mean I get the right to attack people of the LGBT+ community.

    Islamic countries give every person, regardless of their involvement in the LGBT community, the right to a fair trial. Corrupt police shouldn't be the face of such law systems.

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    What's your go-to Android Browser and why?
  • Opera/Opera GX, just for My Flow - a feature allowing easy file and text transfer between PC and mobile, functioning somewhat like a WhatsApp DM.

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    Portuguese tourist assaulted by Turkish police, jailed for 20 days for "looking gay"
  • The law is the issue, I agree. Not religion as much. People are still given the right to a fair trial. The issue arises when police think they can do random stuff without any reason other than vague and pathetic understandings of the law.

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    Happy Friday!! Are any of you doing anything fun this weekend??
  • Going to one of what feels like a million Islamic functions. Will be like this for a few weeks. Honestly quite nice - not as boring once you get to understand Urdu. The u10 youth beg to differ, though.
