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What are you reading this week? [7/30/23]
  • Currently on my nightstand would be Man in the High Castle by Philip K Dick, but I haven't started yet and can't say much more. Just finished Forge of the High Mage by Ian C Esselmont last night though, which is a continuation of a prequel series to Malazan book of the fallen. It's a high fantasy series with great world building, and can make readers feel a full range of emotion over the first of the series. I highly recommend the series. My first try I couldn't get through the first book because the authors don't spoon feed you what you think you need to know and I was just to confused for being 400 pages in. But I'm really glad I went back to it, definitely my favorite series and I've gone through twice now

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    Mash em, boil em
  • So you may think! But I left three pounds of potatoes on a high shelf and forgot all summer til I noticed a smell. They rotted and started leaking everywhere. It stained the shelf. Potatoes will come for you if you give them time, humidity and heat

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    Do you want to have the full argument?
  • I'd like to hear both sides of the full argument please of that's a real offer. I don't think he was useless, but I do think there must have been better choices for the task
