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What were some movies you had to look up explanations of after watching?
  • I don't remember being confused. But it was definitely one of those movies where I had to sit for 15 minutes after the credits rolled to process the emotional impact.

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    Youtube Anti-AntiAdblocker uBlock Origin Filter
  • No, you misunderstand. You're thinking of DHCP. The parent poster is talking about CGNAT, where hundreds or thousands of customers of an ISP may share the same public-facing IPv4 address. It's impossible to self-host anything in this scenario, there no way around it and DDNS won't help you.

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  • And who, pray tell, voted for the populist shitbags that ushered in the capitist coup that perpetuated fossil fuel and consumerist lifestyles at an accelerating rate and borrowed against their childrens' and grandchildrens' futures?

    Carter tried to warn them, but it turns out boomers didn't like being called out on their shit, so they replaced him with one corporate stooge after another.

    Boomers aren't entirely to blame, but they are far from blameless.

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    In the US, there's a good chance you haven't even left your state either
  • Canada has a highway that goes between the most easterly and westerly points of the country. If you drove from end to end, stopping only for gas and drive through meals, it would take you about a week.

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    YouTube's anti-adblock rollout has finally arrived for Firefox users
  • Not even, though. Practically all the YouTube "creators" these days have [this part of the video is brought to you by scandanavian interwebz to keep out teh hax0rs] sponsored segments that are [Have you shaved your fuckin' nutsack lately bro? Check out this ball hair trimmer from clipyerjunk dot com] littered throughout [zzzzzzzzzip ... ^reecrootah ] their videos.

    That being said, some of them at least put effort into finding and vetting content-relevant sponsors that can actually be helpful. I can kinda just barely tolerate those.

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    Saw this on Facebook 😍
  • A facebook meme that isn't nuclear waste level toxic dogshit? Either this is breaking my brain or I'm misinterpreting it.

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    This is Financial Advice [New Video by Dan Olson/Folding Ideas on GME Cult] (2:31:43)
  • I love this guy's stuff, it's just dripping with the perfect amount of satire, subtle sarcastic tone, and deeply fascinating and educational storytelling. Probably the best longform content on YouTube.

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    Firefox will have a built-in ‘fake reviews detector’ — Amazon is in trouble
  • Agreed. This is well outside the scope of native browser functions. Firefox already has a rich extensions ecosystem. They can just include the extension with the browser by default for all I care, but as a native feature, this makes no sense.

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    The Antinatalism subreddit basically promoting eugenics against autistic people
  • If I may take a moment to ask... what the fuck are you on about, OP? Absolutely nothing in the screenshot suggests anything even remotely related to eugenics. You took that leap all on your own.

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    The Antinatalism subreddit basically promoting eugenics against autistic people
  • Autistic people aren't suffering unless you're putting them in a system that treats them as subhuman.

    Ah, I see you're familiar with society as well.

  • It seems that space would be perfect for the community title. If the title's too long, it could be truncated with horizontal scrolling.

    Edit: problem solved!


    I've noticed this in the larger threads (several dozens or hundreds of comments), scrolling becomes extremely laggy.

    Edit: the lag doesn't seem it be caused by large threads, but by threads containing comments with embedded images
