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Microsoft starts developing tools to prevent another global IT outage
  • They really should develop an OS that can recognize when a nonessential driver is causing it to crash, and bypass it on subsequent reboots. If it's not a hardware or filesystem driver then fuck it and start up without it in a warning mode.

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    An economic lesson...
  • It really seems like you're imagining a bunch of things I never said anything about, because you want to get on your soapbox and talk more about poverty. Everything I suggested is completely achievable by many of those in poverty, to which I speak from personal experience.

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    An economic lesson...
  • I disagree with the assertion points 1 through 6 are factual. Those are all extremely broad generalizations based on assumptions you hold. Some of those things do happen on occasion of course, but it's not a railroad track of 1 leads to 6 with no other possibilities. The financial industry is heavily regulated by the US Gov't which exerts control to prevent much of 1 - 3 on your list.

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    An economic lesson...
  • Well I've lived through poverty and the Debt Trap and worked my way out of it into success and stability, but if you want to ignore my advice that's your problem. My financial literacy allowed me to buy a house and land.

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    An economic lesson...
  • I could ask you the same thing, and it would be bullshit to me, just as whatever I reply with would be to you. From my perspective you're in some dumbass communist fantasy based on the internet ramblings of children.

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    An economic lesson...
  • Anyone who has access to the Internet can begin learning the basics of financial literacy right now. That is the only barrier, other than being literate.

    Here are some basic tips that could get someone with zero financial literacy started:

    1. Don't use credit cards unless you can pay them off before interest accrues at the end of the month, otherwise you are wasting money and entering the Debt Trap.

    2. Don't use Doordash and other expensive delivery services, pick up your own food or make it at home.

    3. Make a budget, which should at least consist of a list of your monthly expenses such as housing, food, utilities, etc, and keep track of what you spend on it.

    4. Subscriptions are leeches, don't subscribe to anything that you can avoid.

    5. If you have an employer provided retirement plan, always put in what they will match so that you get the full match (free money).

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    An economic lesson...
  • Yes of course it is sustainable. We have the resources to do everything we need for hundreds of years here in the USA without any external dependencies. The disaster recovery and continuity plans and infrastructure are already in place to ensure that the US government will continue through a variety of apocalyptic scenarios.

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    An economic lesson...
  • Actual financial literacy is crucial to success as an adult. You can complain about The System all you want but it will likely still be in place after all of us are bones in the ground, so make use of the resources you can achieve something with.

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    How Do Archers Resist Firing Arrows At Everyone In The Spectator Gallery?
  • Y'all have problems if you think about shooting people whenever there is an option to fire a projectile. This was an Onion article BTW.

    If anybody thought this post was a serious question the answer is that people usually don't want to shoot people.

    Actually did some backyard archery practice with my son today. All we wanted to shoot was that bullseye on the foam target.

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    When you left the phone charging overnight, but it was not plugged properly
  • Degoogle and you might not have to worry so much about battery life. I almost never have to charge mine overnight, just once every couple days when it gets low.

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    EV sales have not fallen, cooled, slowed or slumped. Stop lying in headlines.
  • Got a PHEV for our family recently, wanted to go full EV but our region just doesn't have enough charging stations available yet.

    While going over the paperwork for the financing, the paperwork guy was talking about how the car company keeps pushing them to order EVs for their lot but they keep refusing. They don't want to sell EVs because they think people don't want them, because they think it just "won't ever work" - so now I think that there may be other car dealers like that who are holding back what options consumers may have in there area. I had to drive 100 miles to buy the PHEV I wanted, none nearby.
