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Subset Games created two amazing games: FTL & Into The Breach
  • If you have enjoyed FTL and are looking for more of the same, check out the multiverse mod package - adds a ton of content including overarcing story elements and unique ship and race unlocks.

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    Cargo - Film 2017 - Post Apocalypse
  • The short film it was based on (link below) was a lot more concise and powerful, in my opinion. I liked some of the world building in the 2017 film like the suicide kits distributed by the government, but to me it ultimately felt like a short story that went on too long after having seen the original.

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    Is it normal to forget your own age?
  • This is normal. As a kid, you're asked about your age much more often, and you're often thinking about it as you look forward to hitting milestones - reaching a certain grade, your next birthday, legal age for driving, voting, drinking, and so on. Once you're in your mid to late 20s it starts to matter a lot less, and people tend to have to do math, or if you're like me, just ask your spouse.

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    What games do you recommend for my girlfriend?
  • One more recommendation I haven't seen here - Dave the Diver. A cosy blend of underwater exploration, collecting, and selling sushi!

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    What's your favorite game you never hear anybody talk about?
  • I really loved rocket slime as well. There's a spiritual successor called connectank on steam that gives me the same vibes, and has fun co-op!
