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Following Google Maps directions in rural Tasmania and encountered this sign.
  • Y'know though, if you report a problem to Maps, they can and will fix it.
    There's a closed bridge in a town nearby, it's been closed for almost 3 years waiting for state funding to repair it, but nobody, not even the town highway department thought to report it to Google, so Maps routed over it all the time.
    I reported it, and 3 weeks later it showed up as closed.
    It may be flawed, but it's dynamic.

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    Elon lied about the monkeys — and he shouldn't be trusted to put his Neuralink chips in human brains.
  • @ajsadauskas @technology
    The only reason something happened to Deep Voice Barbie was because some Very Important People were publicly embarrassed by their association with, and gullibility of her.
