I agree the infighting is not helpful. I also think that we currently can't use traditional bargaining and protest tools to effectively punish or otherwise shame those in power into concession. In this case, Musk is an oligarch who owns companies, like Tesla. People are shaming owners of these vehicles and pressuring them to sell because that is a very tangible way to hurt the oligarchs in our country, by hurting their purse. It's the only thing they care about. It will either help lead towards concession, or ultimately wipe out the power they have. I think this is a form of solidarity, and those who care about that will go out of their way to distance themselves from the oligarchs who oppress us, including when trading or buying within our own class.

It's also an overpriced "luxury" vehicle, a terrible one with a boatload of recalls and recurring design issues. How long before we consider owning one to be like owning a Daewoo or Pinto?
We've also known what their CEO is about for a while now. Years in fact. And that same CEO is dismantling the US government and killing people with his actions. I think a lot of us see it this way: If someone still owns one, they get to "own" that they own it now.

I dare you, you fat fuck. Do it. Arrest a citizen for exercising free speech. I want to see that second amendment used on you, you wannabe king.

i dont really care do u?

And just like that, I yearn for an Iowa on fire. I now have less protection than corn there. What a shithole state.

Oh look, a good Nazi!

Flood was such a formative album growing up. Great selection!

I fucking love eggs.

And surely you aren't doing that right now, right?

Bandle #923 4/6 🟥⬛⬛🟩⬜⬜ Found: 699/764 (91.5%) Current Daily Streak: 55 (max 55) #Bandle #Heardle https://bandle.app/
Really needed all of those synths. Not usually my genre.

Wordle 1,347 3/6 ⬛🟨⬛🟩⬛ ⬛⬛⬛🟩🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Happy with this one. I use ADIEU to start usually and it was a struggle to think of what words might fit.

It's a reasonable request? Why are you telling them to essentially leave?

Wordle 1,346 3/6 🟨🟨⬛⬛⬛ 🟨⬛🟩🟨⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

Bandle #922 1/6 🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ Found: 698/763 (91.5%) Current Daily Streak: 54 (max 54) #Bandle #Heardle https://bandle.app/

Okay, to bluntly answer your original question then:
People are upset because you lied.

I’m comfortable being a woman with my lady parts. I also like to pretend. I told people I was male (transmasc, specifically) so that I could freely experience attraction to just men without having the “straight” label.
This is the part people will likely get upset about. I'm not pretending when I say I'm a woman. I am trans. Trans folks have been begging for people to respect their identity. It has nothing to do with sexuality, I did not transition in order to be seen as a lesbian woman or as a straight man. I did it to be seen as a woman. The other labels are added on after.
The way you've worded this, it seems like you've taken the trans masc identity and the trust that's been garnered around trans identities and abused it. Your feelings about this are valid, but I really feel you should approach this differently.
If you are feeling uncertain about your gender, then explore that and determine if you truly feel that way. Maybe you are trans masc? Maybe not? If you find yourself struggling with your gender but not rejecting your assigned gender at birth, maybe explore what it means to be genderfluid or nonbinary?
If you feel this is strictly a discomfort with your sexuality labels and perception of them, please find some other ways to convey it that does not involve abusing gender labels.

If that "widespread backlash" isn't a call for his head and subsequent dragging out into the street, I don't think it matters anymore.

Because you're mostly JAQing off and dismissing the answers you get.

Also, you did it! Kudos.

That it doesn't matter. These are just comments after all.