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Rebecca Cheptegei: Olympic athlete dies days after being set alight by ex-boyfriend | BBC
  • As i said, the problem is ongoing. Were you aware of the extent of lethal poisoning by prescription drugs? did you know that each year doctors kill thousands of women this way and get away with it?

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    Rebecca Cheptegei: Olympic athlete dies days after being set alight by ex-boyfriend | BBC
  • Fascinating how several people are determined to misquote, misattribute and mischaracterise my comments rather than do a little reading and free themselves from ignorance.

    i never ascribed a religion to the attacker. i suggested that the growth of islam in that region might be linked with violence against women. because it usually is.

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    Firefox will consider a Rust implementation of JPEG-XL (with Google's help)
  • I have a nagging doubt; jpeg-xl has a very extensive feature set (text overlays, etc). meanwhile, tech/media consortia want a basic spec for AV1 + OPUS on chip and push that to all media capable devices. we can expect av1, avif and opus to be ubiquitous in a few years. So i think they will prioritise AVIF.

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    Rebecca Cheptegei: Olympic athlete dies days after being set alight by ex-boyfriend | BBC
  • You don't believe in helminths? thousands are afflicted. maybe you think schistosoma are imaginary too. so, when youre pissing blood in excruciating pain, you will go to the witch doctor for a dose of belief based medicine, yes?

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    Rebecca Cheptegei: Olympic athlete dies days after being set alight by ex-boyfriend | BBC
  • Hundreds of thousands of women are killed each year, poisoned by their doctors. this article is old but nothing has changed. is this misogyny? i thought most doctors these days are women.

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    Rebecca Cheptegei: Olympic athlete dies days after being set alight by ex-boyfriend | BBC
  • No, you don't get to do the misandry on me. i have zero tolerance for that battle of the sexes nonsense. i give you one hour to say sorry and pronise yo never pull this horseshit again. otherwise the reporting and investigation into your comment history will begin. the clock is ticking.

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    Dear America
  • People of Earth, you are waking up, as our advanced space-faring race once did...

    -- Gul Dukat

    Dukat 2024 -- Make Cardassia Great Again

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    Rebecca Cheptegei: Olympic athlete dies days after being set alight by ex-boyfriend | BBC
  • Since i was a boy, i enjoyed the public library but i never understood why they always had loads of "romance novels" in a special section that only women frequented. when i was older it occurred to me to take a closer look and i was appalled. all women are disgusting. /s

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    i will never understand scientific fraud
  • ok. so you definitely want someone else to provide a bunch of housing, free or cheap. I suppose you'd like that with hot water on tap, flushing toilets, a/c during summer and heat during winter because "muh human dignity". amirite?

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    Rebecca Cheptegei: Olympic athlete dies days after being set alight by ex-boyfriend | BBC
  • North west, bordering uganda. hmmm. i wonder if there is an islamic component to this? Or maybe a brain development problem. that region has a big problem with helminth infestation. A lot of poor rural kids have the worms and so, the immune system is inflamed and brain fails to develop. typical characteristic is inability to negotiate simple problems and turn on the other person in violent rage. its well documented. i have seen videos from rural west kenya of low iq parents beating their low iq children.
